I am still at a loss to describe that “white tea” tea flavor. Much like Darjeeling has its special flavor, the white also has its own special flavor. It’s kind of creamy and it kind of reminds me of the taste in the air around a wood-shop when fresh hardwoods are being cut. Maybe “resiny” is the right word, but it has a light somehow lumber like taste. It’s a, shall we say, delicate flavor though. Better for mid morning or even evening. Yes it can be resteeped, and several times, but it is just a much mellower kind of tea than what I would start my day with. Something like a cruising speed type tea, but not something to turn over your engine if you know what I mean.
I couldn’t be precise with the temp as my thermometer is on the fritz (and in the waste bag now), but the water was definitely in the 165-180 range.