Steeped nice and dark thanks to the beetroot, but I need a finer mesh than the ball I used. There are little floaties and swirls of secret tea stuff throughout my mug. It has spectacular little oil drops on the top. The ingredients list (Apple pieces, carrot flakes, dried watermelon flakes, wild strawberry leaves, dried honeydew melon, beetroot pieces, flavouring) doesn’t open my eyes as to what they’re from, but I do like them.
Smell is very fruity. I don’t know that I’d pick “melon” out as the base behind that fruit based on the smell. Smells more like a soap or a bath product that you’d smell and say, “Oh, I’d like to eat that!” than a tea you actually intend to drink.
The weight of the tea is spectacular. It comes in like cream, but is evasive against the surfaces of your mouth like mercury on linoleum. But once you swallow it, there’s a drenching cool juiciness left behind. I quite like it.
The taste is very nice as well. I sprinkled in my sugar before tasting, as I am wont to do. I don’t think I’d suger it up next time. You can really get the watermelon and honeydew in the flavour.
This doesn’t seem like a tea to me, though. More like a treat in the summer after the sun has gone down, to help keep the sunshiney warmth inside.
200 °F / 93 °C
7 min, 0 sec