YAY! My tea arrived today! Boo that it is my last. So sad. Anyway, as I try to minimize how much caffeine I have after work. I often try to have no caffeine, but if I do have any, I try to have a low caffeine tea instead. Soooo…as this is a green base, and the rest I got are oolong and black, this was a natural choice. Plus this tea was based on my flavour combination suggestion, so yippee! And I’m the first to review it.
So, I kinda went to default 3 minute steep, and realized after that it should have been a 2 minute steep. Whoops! I still got a very flavourful orange tea, with a hint of sweetness, and a little something at the end, which I can imagine is the pistachio. I admit that the orange is quite dominating in this blend, at least at the 3 minute steep, so I could not pick up the base as well. Either that, or it just blends in to everything. On my second steep, there is a little more base coming through.
I did add just a touch of organic cane sugar, to amp up the sweetness of this tea, which I think it does well. Part of me thinks the tea should be thicker, but that is my brain thinking of actual marmalade, rather than a beverage that resembles it.
Overall, it is quite nice, and nicer than the Orange Oolong from Bulk Barn I have had, plus one of the similar ones from Della Terra…those seem quite artificial by contrast. I think that this is one that I may save some for cold steeping, or icing over the summer. Part of me wants to ice latte this with sweetened condensed milk.
I’m checking the yes recommendation box, because even though Butiki is closed, sadly, I hope that others will still try this with swaps and trades, if available.
Flavors: Orange
I tried to get some of this, but it was all gone by the time I got my browser working. Glad to know it’s tasty. :)
I got a half ounce, so I’m sure I could set some aside if you wanted. I can send it to you with the caramel hojicha.
Haha. It’s fine. I have an order coming through Sil, so even though I might not have this one, I know I have others. I think I have others.
Sounds so yummy! Great flavour idea! :)
I tried to get some of this, but it was all gone by the time I got my browser working. Glad to know it’s tasty. :)
I got a half ounce, so I’m sure I could set some aside if you wanted. I can send it to you with the caramel hojicha.
Haha. It’s fine. I have an order coming through Sil, so even though I might not have this one, I know I have others. I think I have others.
I so badly wanted some of this one, but I just couldn’t swing the budget :/