Having this one for the first time in a long time, and having it as a latte. It’s really good like this. I’m on the couch with a cold compress rotating back and forth from my right ankle to right knee, with my laptop, and listening to my friend’s radio show playing from Orlando, FL, and this just goes. I feel like I am comfy and cozy and relaxed and I have this sweet, nutty, rich beverage next to me.
For some reason, I always seem to forget I have this one, and yet, I always try to buy some when I’m in LA every February, since there is a Bird Pick near my friend’s house. And I’ll be there again in 3 weeks, so if I am by Bird Pick, I will be getting more, because it is a nice low caffeine option for the evening, and for a green tea, it had a nice hefty warmth.
Is this my favourite tea?No, but I also like to have some on hand if I can.