TTG from Hillside today…I had it in mind to get some Santa’s Secret, but my friend’s daughter opted for this, and in a split decision, I got this instead.
Do I regret it? No.
Do I like it as much as Santa’s Secret? No.
Is it tasty? Yes.
Would I buy more? Maybe.
I’m very picky with my mint teas in winter. To me, mint is cooling and refreshing, and totally makes me think of summer, not winter when it is cold. The reason I like Santa’s Secret is that the mint is more candy cane mint, and somehow it is different to me than regular mint…don’t ask me why or how, as I don’t fully understand it myself.
Now, when I took the bag out of my mug, I did notice the oily sheen on the top that people talk about, and generally dislike. For me, I’m indifferent to it. My guess is that it comes from the chocolate, and it’s worth it for chocolate for me.
That being said, I find the dominant flavour to be the mint, and not much else. I find mint does this a lot.
So far, I don’t think I’ve reacted to the stevia, but my skin is so bonkers right now, I have no idea what is causing it to go haywire and act up. One hopes that the bloodwork today will give answers when the results come in.
So I think this is alright, better than I expected, but not stellar. I may or may not get more of this…if I do, it is mainly because it is caffeine free and another evening option for me. But this or Champagene Cider, and Champagne Cider wins HANDS DOWN.