I got a generous sample of this from CrowKettle earlier this week, and decided to make it my morning tea…I do a double steep for two mugs. Sometimes I cold steep in one and hot tea in the other, but with the colder weather, I get lazy and just double steep and split each steep between the two vessels. Occasionally, I bag up something separate in one and steep simultaneously if I have the extra time.

Anyway, my morning steep of this was astringent and strong, and I was grateful I under-filled my steeper on the second go, as I had room to fill in my timolino, and I added milk to top it off. I was able to mix it into my other mug to make it milder, but I found that I had used too much milk because I lost some flavour.

I did a shorter steep with new leaves at home and it was better. I did add the tiniest drop of milk (what was left in a measuring cup used for dinner) and that made it a bit creamier. I found that the shorter time was better for me, and it was not so astringent, but it was still a little tart.

I wouldn’t say this is a favourite tea, but it isn’t too bad, especially with the lower steep. What makes me thing of getting some is the raspberry leaves, since they’re healthy. I might also cold steep. I don’t drink much cold liquid i the winter, except water (at room temp) so cold steeping probably won’t be for 6 more months.

I’m glad to try this, and will use the last of my sample soon, I think.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I generally like a lot of tea. I do find I have a preference for flavored over unflavoured, but I do love a good straight tea as well.

Likes are too hard, since there are a lot. Dislikes are easier, so here they are…

Hibiscus. Blech. I can tolerate a little, depending on the brew, like Berry Good from Davids and Ruby Pie from Butiki…but in general, it’s too tart and too strong for me.

Licorice. Anything that remotely resembles licorice is out too, so that includes fennel and anise. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

Florals. I’m cool with petals in the tea to make them look pretty (except rose), and I’m cool with teas like oolongs having a floral note, but strong florals can give me migraines. Rose and jasmine are the biggest offenders. This is one where it can vary on the blend, as I can handle Teavivre’s Peach Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea because there is very little jasmine actually detectable in it.

Rooibos is hit or miss. I can do some, but not others. I handle green better than red, and honeybush better than rooibos.

My ratings don’t have a particular scale or method, and may on occasion contradict themselves, but I’m honestly not fussed about that. Sometimes I don’t even rate at all.

Um, I have an extensive wishlist. It is both a list of things I want to get again, and things I want to try. If you are sending me something, and you want to know which is which, I’ll tell you via PM.

Yes, I do trades…usually on request though. See something you want to try in my cupboard? Just shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do!

Uh, guess that’s it.


Victoria, BC

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