I think this one is pretty good, but I think it depends on the palate. It does smell just like sticky rice, though in taste, it is mildly pu erh. It is probably one of the lighter pu erh infusions I have had before. I think this could be a really nice tea when you want something with a bit of body, but not overwhelming. This one comes from Incendiare and she has it when we was sick, and I think that is a good time to have it, though for me tonight, it is a cooler night, so it has just the right body and depth.
It is pretty unremarkable in flavour, because it it rather plain, but it is still tasty. I know that sounds contrasting, but I just mean that there isn’t a wow factor, just a nice and simple yum factor..but I don’t think I would go out and buy this for regular use. I wouldn’t mind haveing a few of the tuochas around though, do those rare occasions where I want something simple and tasty like this.