Followed by 4 Tea Drinkers

ashmanra 733 followers

I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who starte...

Stoo 103 followers

I ventured into the world of serious tea drinking in the Summer of 2011. I st...

eastkyteaguy 215 followers

My grading criteria for tea is as follows: 90-100: Exceptional. I love this s...

teepland 42 followers

2025: It’s been awhile, but I hope to be back to regularly updating my tea lo...



I’m new to discovering teas in a more in-depth way. I’m currently enjoying oolong and black teas, both unflavored and flavored (when flavors are handled nicely). In terms of flavors, I love florals but not so much fruits or vanilla). Working on my appreciation of green and white teas.

Please forgive any forays into wine terminology – my background is in wine tasting (cork dork, here).

My Rating Scale

90-100 Excellent/outstanding
80-90 Very good/would buy again
70-80 Decent/would drink again if offered
Sub-70 Blurgh
Unrated I don’t know enough about this type of tea or otherwise can’t offer a fair judgment



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