I have learned something about myself—if the tea has chili in it, I will buy it. Even if it doesn’t have anything else I like in it. Chilies are apparently a big selling point to me.
The dry tea looks beautiful and smells delicious. Those bright chili strings are just so pretty and the mango smell is lovely and intense. If I was willing to share this tea, I might break it out when I have company just because of the pretty factor but I’m not willing so I won’t.
I brewed this tea hot because I have the flu and iced tea when you’re sick is not fun. Hot this tea is all mango with a nice background of green tea. I barely got any chili heat which was a bit disappointing because I like the chili kick. I did find the mango flavor to be very pleasant and intense but I wanted the chili heat. However, I happened to get distracted and the tea cooled off a bit to lukewarm and I was surprised that the chili intensified as the tea cooled. It was the perfect balance of mango sweetness with the bite of the chili.
The next time I brew this one I will probably steep it longer than the recommended 5 minutes. I like my tea hot but still want the kick of the chili. I did love this tea either way.