3010 Tasting Notes

drank Pure Green Tea by Twinings
3010 tasting notes

Light, tasty, and smooth; not heavily green or vegetable-y.

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drank Red Bloom by Adagio Teas
3010 tasting notes

Pretty to watch it unfold in a glass mug…light without being too jasmine-y floral…was enjoying the whole aesthetic experience in my backyard with a book (Hood by Stephen Lawhead…quite good so far) … and then a bug flew in it and died. Sigh.


I’m ordering the Jasmine ones later this month- they’re the featured tea for the roots campaign!


Bug infused tea sounds great!

But on a more serious note… I love blooming teas, I really got into them for a while. I don’t have many anymore though, All I have is some fairy peach green tea that isn’t too nice aesthetically… I enjoy a lot of blooms from Teoposy


I’m enough of a farm kid a little, uh, extra protein doesn’t gross me out; it just sort of lost the soothing effect, it being all belly-up and all… :o)


Time go get more Garrett! And support tea farmers!=D


Awww, the bug just adds to the “nature” no? Lol.

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drank Assam Gold Rain by Teavana
3010 tasting notes

I think I finally got the proportions right so I can actually taste this again. About 1 1/2 t. where you’d normally use a single teaspoon. Still smooth, still mild, but I can taste something besides water now.

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drank King of Pu-Erh by Teaopia
3010 tasting notes

Earthy? How about “eau de farmyard?” But that’s not a bad thing. The aroma sort of put me off, but if you hold your breath when you sip, the flavor itself is just nice and dark. A dig-in-the-flowerbed kind of dark.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec
Meghann M

This aroma is what scares me off of Pu-erh’s altogether. I still can’t get past my hayfield greens, so I’m way far from trying these. Glad the taste is dark and good though!


Glad I experimented; probably won’t repeat that one.


I find the aroma to be one of the best parts of this tea. This explains why my friends were so put off when I brewed some for them.

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drank Joy by Tazo
3010 tasting notes

I oversteeped a little …. can’t be very precise at work, but this does work iced. The cold brings out a little bit of a floral essence.

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drank Lemon Ginger by Davidson's Organics
3010 tasting notes

I’m getting more ginger than lemon. Which isn’t bad; it’s nearly the flavor equivalent of Bigelow’s Ginger Snappish holiday tea. And now I need a cookie to go with it…

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My stereotype of orange pekoe either leans toward plain ol’ Lipton bagged or something a little sharp and acidic. This nice tea beats both of those preconceived notions back into the bushes. It’s nice, smooth, liquid amber—a little sweetness in the background like buttered toast or a Lender’s bagel. Probably not a kick-it-into-gear tea for the morning, but pleasant otherwise.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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drank Assam SF Budla Beta by Teaopia
3010 tasting notes

Thanks to Jocelyn Rama, I have a whole care package of Teaopia samples to play with and it’s been so long since I had a really good Assam, I pulled this one first.

It is a lovely red-gold color in my cup and has a nice, thick, substantial feel in the mouth. Flavor is smooth, not sharp, not flat…right on key.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Monk's Blend by MlesnA
3010 tasting notes

Well, at least I THINK it was Monk’s blend … I have room for just one biscuit tin of teabags on my desk, and I had made some little fill-it-yourself sachets and stuck them in a baggie and they filtered down to the bottom of the tin and I’m not sure how long they were there. Some cheapie mint foil bags have seemed to permeate the whole mess …

…but if it was what it was, despite gross neglect and mistreatment, the aroma was still quite pleasant and it was a gentle little un-tea for a cloudy lunch hour.

…and the moral to this little cautionary tale is…

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Happy Easter! What I’d LIKE to do is throw open my windows and belt out “Up From the Grave He Arose” at full Ethel Merman volume, but the sleeping 2/3 of my family wouldn’t look very kindly on that this morning.

So instead, I made a cup of this blend, which is a great chocolatey cherry substitute for a hollow chocolate bunny and will be decorously and quietly grateful with a little mischief around the edges. May joy find you all today.

(Second steep addendum: this is GREAT with Hot Fudge Sundae Pop Tarts! Chocolate craving got the better of me.)

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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