3010 Tasting Notes
This is the one tea my husband specifically asks for, usually when he has the cruds. It was a little difficult to chase down locally; community is still short a Wal-Mart (still rebuilding) and the closest one’s selection is a little lacking. I thought Bigelow was pretty mainstream.
Was worth it to get to make him a cup.
This one will also be up for later review at www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, but it’s too good not to at least give it a mention … well worth checking out if you like coconutty, creamy, vanilla-y goodness. Was almost a mini-vacation enjoying it in the rocking chair on the porch of Shabby House on an absolutely delicious warm-cool fall afternoon.
A longer review will be up on www.itsallabouttheleaf.com eventually, but I’ll log it quickly and mention this is loads better than grocery-store brand orange pekoe varieties. Perfect for milk. Nice with a little sweet 1/2 and 1/2 this morning.
I’ve been dying to write this one up for several days, but had to consult with a buddy to see what loveliness lurked in the little foil sharing pouch.
This Keemun is superlative. The dry scent is pretty keemuny, maybe a little lighter than some, but don’t let that fool you. It is rich and brothy and has beautiful harvest-season burgundy grape notes to it. Straight up, no additives whatsoever.
My first experience with this was kind of meh-ish, but I got a newer, fresher sharing sample and like it much, much better. The fruit is a nice addition to the traditional chamomile-lemongrass mix; it gives this nice light herbal a little texture and heft that sticks to your tongue.
Pooh. It went bitter on me and I can’t figure out why. Couldn’t possibly be my disposition. (Spent a one-step-forward, two-steps-back morning trying to comprehend real estate paperwork with federal strings attached plus a run to the county courthouse to do whatever mysterious recording of said paperwork is needed go eventually get a roof over our heads. And that was all before reporting for the day job :) Our work microwave is actually strong enough to get water to a good rolling boil, so … oh, well.
Still discovering things we haven’t thought to replace post-tornado; our pharmaceutical stash is pretty thin, so this is fast becoming my go-to cure for whatever ails me. Tummy, congestion, headache all seem to be lightened a little by a cup of this good strong mint. I believe those Ozark grannies and yarb women knew what they were doing :)