6 Tasting Notes
Awesome. I brew this tea with a single “family sized” tea bag. Much more convenient than 8 lipton teabags hanging out. After cooling for an hour or so, I pour the tea into a pitcher and into the fridge. I don’t dilute it. The concentrated tea works well with ice and some simple syrup. Economical (totally cheap). Once I get my hands on a better pitcher, I will try a cold brew in the fridge…
I like this tea. Economical in price. The flavor is very subtle however. Definite peach flavor… the ginger is there—but not like grated ginger root tea—more like a weak earl grey tea except with ginger and peach and not bergamot. Don’t try adding an extra bag to your cup to strengthen the cup, it doesn’t work ;)
Hmm… I’m drinking this tea as I type this, and I’m wondering how to express my sentiments.
The aroma is very odd… When I opened the tin (which I like a lot, by the way) the smell was strangely perfumed. I was skeptical, thinking that maybe the Coffee Bean added artificial flavors to it. Sure enough, upon closer inspection, “natural and artificial flavors” right on the label. DAMN!
Oh well. I am drinking the tea, but I prefer a more organic tea. I bet this would tast much better over ice. I will report that tasting when I get my hands on some cubes.
Anyhow, super-fruity. No need for sugar, because cups from this brew are full of orangey-currant-yness. A lovely, red color, too. I’m holding onto this tea because I paid $8.95 for 170g for it (which is reasonable for a tea like this).
I like a full pot of Passion tea with agave nectar or sugar. It’s quite good. I’ve also had the tea w/o sweetener (since Passion already has licorice root). I enjoy this tea… not as much a just plain hibiscus, but I like the added herbals to it. Tazo apparently makes a Mambo tea that is similar to Passion, but instead of bags, Mambo comes in a loose leaf.
The cleanest cup of tea (in my opinion). According to Red Blossom, you should pour some hot water over the leaves to “wash” them and throw away the liquid. I usually just brew an initial cup at 180 degrees (which is a light, but definitely nice cup) and then keep brewing subsequent cups using a basket or strainer (as well as adding a bit more leaves).
Sometimes while I’m working, I’ll forget about the brewing cup, and this tea holds up well past the recommended 2 mins to 4-5 mins even longer. I’ve had cups that brewed at 10 minutes and the result is a rich golden, but still very clean and tasty cup.
I like Silver Needle Reserve as my primary tea, and prefer it over green tea. It’s too bad the price for it has tripled in price (it’s been a bad year for food crops) but the leaves go a long way. I have yet to try the regular Silver Needle…