I was a soda drinker for years – at one point I drank it more than water. A few years ago I did the impossible and gave it up to better my health. It wasn’t easy, and there are times when I find it hard to resist, especially since it’s so easily available. One of the problems is that the flavoring is hard to find. You don’t see “cola” flavored things very often. So when I saw this cola flavored matcha, I knew I had a found a winner. Tea AND cola flavors brought together? This is amazing.
And I have to say, it definitely is. Even from the smell I knew I was in for a treat. I used 1/2 teaspoon of powder in my water bottle, shook it up, and then took a sip. It was absolutely delightful. It tastes just like cola (I think it has more of a Pepsi taste than a Coca-Cola taste). I even added some seltzer to give it just a little zing, which also helped.
This is definitely recommended for anyone who loves soda, but wants to indulge in a healthier option.
I can not WAIT to blend this with other matcha flavors like rum and black cherry. I’m also planning to buy a couple more fruit flavors in my next order to mix with this. Hmm… maybe I should have bought a large.
I know what you mean ! I just feel like lost when I don’t have my glass of Cola per day, especially in summer. I am curious to see what a cola matcha can taste.
@Ysaurella – It’s a pretty good substitute I think, LOL
@Invader Zim – LOL! I actually need the pick me up today. I’m dragging a bit.
How much water are you adding with half a teaspoon? I just bought this one too and was thinking about getting some seltzer to mix with it.
I know what you mean ! I just feel like lost when I don’t have my glass of Cola per day, especially in summer. I am curious to see what a cola matcha can taste.
Are you hyper yet?! I think this is your third matcha review within the hour!
@Ysaurella – It’s a pretty good substitute I think, LOL
@Invader Zim – LOL! I actually need the pick me up today. I’m dragging a bit.
How much water are you adding with half a teaspoon? I just bought this one too and was thinking about getting some seltzer to mix with it.
16 oz for 1/2 teaspoon. I could add more but too much and you’ll get too much matcha without flavor.