Red Leaf introduced several new matcha flavors (as if they don’t have enough already), and when I saw that this was on the list, and on sale, I had to jump on it. I’m such a sucker for Oreos (even though they are so bad for me). This Matcha seemed like the perfect treat of healthy (cause its tea!) and sorta-indulging in Oreo-goodness.
As a reminder, you can get the matcha here:
I ordered the 30g Cookies and Cream Matcha, Starter (Basic Grade), Flavor: Robust. I admit that after I ordered, I saw some other Steepsters order there Cookies & Cream with the black matcha base, and honestly that sounds pretty good. I almost wish I would have thought of that. I’m interested to see what they think of it when the reviews come out. Anyway, back to the matcha.
As always, this matcha smells so delicious. The flavor is so overpowering just from a smell. You don’t really smell any matcha at all. I definitely smell the cream over the cookies, although both work together. The smell reminds me a little bit of the caramel matcha, very sweet but almost a bit creamy too.
First, I sifted the matcha. Remember how a few matchas ago I was having sifting issues? I found the perfect sifter (that’s not a sifter). I actually use one of my old tea balls that I got when I first started into loose leaf. You know, the one with the long handle that opens and closes that everyone and their grandmother has? This works great for sifting matcha. I pour in a scoop, close the ball, and then shake it around over the cup. It works great, and I’m thankful I get to put the ol’ tea ball back to use since it’s been out of commission for a while.
Before I put the water in, I took a look at the matcha. Maybe it’s just my imagination, or a trick of the lighting, but I think I saw some white particles in there along with the green – which would make sense, it is cookies and cream. I didn’t see any dark particles, though, so who knows. Anyway, I brewed my matcha as normal, added some milk, and took a sip.
As usual, this matcha is very very good. Another great desert matcha for those with a sweet tooth but who don’t want to over indulge. I don’t know if I would say it tastes exactly like Oreos, but there is definitely a creamy deserty type note to it. I will say that I preferred the caramel just a little bit more, but I think they can both stand on their own.