Dry: This smells intensely of marzipan, which I love. Of all of the Winter Collection teas, this one is my favorite scent-wise. You can see the green tea with marigolds and cornflowers. It’s pretty.
Wet: The marigolds and cornflowers disappear and you’re left with a green tea with leaves that have opened up nicely. I recommend using an infuser with plenty of room.
The liquor is a golden green color. I can definitely taste the almond flavor and there is also some grassiness from the green tea. I also detect a very slight cherry flavor. This sort of reminds me of Zhi Tea’s Cherry Sencha which I am a huge fan of.
Overall, I love this tea and it’s my favorite from the Winter Collection so far, with 2nd place going to their Hot Chocolate pu’erh/black tea blend. Green tea and marizpan? HECK YES. I need to quickly buy a full-sized tin of this.
Flavors: Almond, Cherry, Grass