I finally caved and got some tea from Verdant after seeing all the great reviews of the tea and of the company. The package arrived today and I immediately grabbed for this tea, this is the one I’ve been wanting to try for a while now. So, I opened the pack and the tea looks lovely, light green and white twisted, curled leaves with a subtle fresh vegetal scent with floral notes. The wet tea leaves smells like asparagus and the liquor is very light with hints of chestnut. It tastes very good, I get so much out of this one from the asparagus notes, floral notes, corn notes, and sweetness. It reminds me of back home, walking through the farm fields in spring time where mostly corn and soy is grown with lots of forest edges with birds singing and everything is starting to grow back and bloom after a nice rain and the sun is coming back out. Excellent tea, I’m very glad I tried this one.