1403 Tasting Notes
Found this in my bag from Sil and thought I might give it a whirl as my second tea of the day.
My first tea of the day is the one which I place high expectations on. I am far more willing to gamble with the second one of the day.That this one has an oolong base comes as a surprise to me given that it is from Sil. As for flavour, well, not really. It is mild and buttery caramel. It needs far more leaf due to the popcorn and fruit bits. It is pleasant though, reminiscent of DT’s Caramel Corn. Not a tea that leaves much of an impression aside from being an easy drinker with lunch or chocolate or something when you are not expecting that cup to shine brilliantly on its own.
There are times when you want something mild, something that doesn’t intrude; this is a good cup for those moments.Thanks, Sil, for giving me a chance to try this.
Flavors: Caramel
Yep, I really like this one. I think it is perfectly fine as is, subtle but glorious. A bit of glazed donut comes through, as does a bit of vanilla. I am sad that my sample of this is coming to an end.
Flavors: Honey, Pastries
Thanks, Sil, for sharing this one with me, especially given my fondness for vanilla teas. I like this one a lot—possibly the scent rising from the steaming cup even more so than the flavour coming through in the sips. The scent really is intoxicating. Yum. The flavour seems to round out more nicely as the tea cools a bit. Nice one. I wonder how it compares to my favourite vanilla black.
Flavors: Malt, Vanilla
I reached for this as tea of the morning after a hectic day of running. Thankfully, my health has been accommodating the past few days for which I am so grateful. Hectic days are not usually within my capacity, so truly truly truly yay!
The first sip of this tea hits you with a kapow, followed up with the bready smoothness. Nice malty scent rises from my cup as I inhale the deliciousness. Delightful.
Thank you for the sample, Sil.
Flavors: Black Currant, Bread, Malt
I had woken up this morning in the mood and with the need for a punchy tea. This is the one I packed up in two travel mugs for the day, along with another cup or two of other teas—yeah, it was a long day out in the world.
I quite enjoyed these longan/lychee/rose/cocoa flavours that accompanied me in my day. Really nice with a bite or two of bittersweet chocolate.
I wouldn’t say that it is floral in the sense of a floral oolong, but it is floral in the sense of strong floral fruit perfume notes layered onto a feisty black.
More juicy than floral, in my opinion. Certainly not as floral as the French teas that I’ve tried. (That though, has been a very small collection so far.)
I would say the nature of lychee itself is floral. It is difficult for me to separate the fruit from the floral qualities of the tastes.
This is delicious. That said, I prefer the third steep because the first two are far too much in your face, far too perfumed. Perhaps I am using too much leaf though I use just as much as I would for an oolong, way less than half of a DT’s spoon. I drink it black. Maybe that is the problem. Either way, my experimenting continues to find that immediate perfect cup. And the next and the next.
I had the same problem. I do not know if this would help, but I typically drank 2-3 grams in 16 ounce tumbler at about 77 C. It is an awesome blend despite my desire for it to be Apple Cider Panna Cotta.
Thanks, Daylon. Yes, I wanted it to be Apple Cider Panna Cotta too. In fact, I order all the QTT jade oolongs with the same hope.
Delicious Yunnan black concoction with perhaps a bit of the Darjeeling peeking through. The Ceylon in this cup totally hid behind the Yunnan, or perhaps that’s all the dry leaf my teaspoon picked up. Or maybe my travel mug tampered with things as I was on the go all day. Ok, ok, it was only four hours but it felt like all day. Damn delicious.
Thank you for the share, Sil, and for giving me enough in the sample to have more of this at home in a proper cup or at least not covered up in a thermos-like container: like the context nature intended tea to be drunk in. Preferably wearing flannel pyjamas.
And hurray that the notice feature appears to be fixed! Yay! Thank you, Jason! We appreciate you.
Flavors: Bread, Chocolate