1403 Tasting Notes
Finally had a somewhat decent sleep last night. I was only woken once by the neighbours, by the baby, I assume. And yay, I feel almost human. I just might be able to function at some capacity, just maybe. There’s good reason that sleep deprivation is a torture technique.
Oh what a wonderful thing sleep is!
I had forgotten about my remaining samples from tigress some time ago, and today, now that I have an extra brain cell or two, I pulled them out. This is the first one my hand got a hold of.
Good choice. Brisk malty base with a good healthy layer of maple on top. A real pleasure.
Thanks, tigress_al, for popping this one into the bag.
Flavors: Malt, Maple
Last night, I was awakened at 2:30 am by neighbours’ cellphone notifications at the adjoining wall in my bedroom. I was then awakened at 5 am by more ringtones. Girlfriend lost it. Something within me snapped and at 5:20 am, I got dressed and stomped next door and rang their doorbell four times in the middle of the silence of the night. And then I stomped back home.
Even though I felt better for having stomped, I still woke up feeling like hell having had something like three or four hours sleep.
I had a morning medical appointment, so I needed to pull it together. This morning called for a reason for living in a cup. I pulled this out of the Sil bag.
Thanks, Sil, for the share. Just exactly what was needed today to bribe myself into the world.
I hope those idiots will just get it through their heads already, but that’s asking for too much.
I’m glad you treated yourself to something fantastic, though.
Thanks, Sil, for sharing this one with me. I really have been enjoying it. If you are thinking of ordering more, I am in.
Fjellrev, we are making progress. The thing is that they are self-absorbed, mindless about their impact on others, and completely ignorant about the space they inhabit, namely how sound functions and travels in that space. I resent having to find words to educate them and repeatedly, but I am comforted by the fact that they do not appear to be inherently evil.
I was awoken in the wee hours by two monster trucks on my street doing some sort of noisy ungodly what: monster hoovering it sounds like. I got up because it was impossible to sleep through this and it continues now for hours.
Clearly I need some sort of home totem god or goddess to protect the tranquility of my home and guard my sleep. Any ideas?My first whirl with this sample from Dexter. The scent of the dry leaf is just chocolatey fab. The steeped tea is lovely chocolatey malt and then there’s a flavour that comes up that I don’t particularly like. I don’t know how to describe it. A bit metallic and a bit bitter. Perhaps I have used too much leaf.
The second steep, because I don’t give up, is chocolatey and yammy. The metallic aspect is gone. The third is also still delicious.
Thankfully, I have a bit more to experiment with. Thank you for the sample, Dex.
Flavors: Bread, Chocolate, Metallic, Yams
“Clearly I need some sort of home totem god or goddess to protect the tranquility of my home and guard my sleep. Any ideas?” – Good quality ear plugs?
Not sure about the metallic that you are getting from this, but that’s what’s so fun about this game – we all perceive things differently. Hope you find others that you like better. :)
hhehehe, Dexter. I tried three different kinds of earplug plus earplugs and white noise and nope. Same result. I suspect that I am so sensitized now by being repeatedly awoken over months that it doesn’t take much.
Tastebuds are interesting and it is so fun to try all the things. I liked the second, third, and fourth steeps a lot and the leaves are beautiful. I’ll try less leaf next time and see what happens.
Not only do my new neighbours have a regularly shrieking infant, noisily exercise at the crack of dawn on wooden floors in an old house, and see fit to position their television on our adjoining wall, but also they both charge and/ or leave their phones by the adjoining wall to ring, beep, and vibrate at all hours of the night. FML.
I, of course, am the complaining neighbour because I am the one who is repeatedly woken up and disturbed while they appear to be blissfully unaware, so I communicate politely when really I would like to rip their heads off and yank all of their electronics out from their sockets and hurl them from the window. Yeah, it’s really a challenge, really really a challenge to not go all up in their face because really what kind of moron do you have to be?
Right then. Whew. Had to get that out.
This is my cup of the morning after having been awoken at about three. I must have been woken before that as well because after the three waking, I wasn’t able to get to sleep for two or three hours or so. At this point, I don’t know whether it is the phone or the baby or both, but this being repeatedly awoken is torture. The carelessness and stupidity at fault is another layer on top.
I missed my yoga class to continue to sleep and still woke up feeling like hell, of course. Ouf.
Ahem, yes, about the tea. Roasty, toasty, cherrywood good. The slightest bit of coconut as it cools. This is only my first steep. More as things evolve.
Second steep. Far more coconut emerges in scent and in flavour. I am steeping in a clear glass canister and the leaves are so very lovely to watch as they begin to unfurl attached to their stems and teeny branches.
Third steep. Even more coconut as the leaves unravel further. The roastiness disappears slowly but a bit of heaviness remains.
Fourth and fifth steep. Some chocolate creeps in along w the coconut.
I suspect the tea had more to give, but I was on my way out to clear my head and calm down and decided to call it and toss the leaves.
Interesting procession of flavours. I am a bit curious as to what would happen further if I had continued to steep.
Thank you for the share, Dexter. I enjoyed it though at first I thought that the roastiness was on the verge of too much—just that line.
Sorry/not sorry for the rant.
Flavors: Cherry Wood, Coconut, Dark Chocolate, Roasted
Don’t let those rotten neighbors ruin your health and wellbeing, Evol. Call the landlord! You can’t go on like this!
“Sorry/not sorry for the rant” – I like that! ;-) Hope you find some peace in your day. Is it possible to put some sound barrier like cork on the adjoining wall?
Aww no, you know it’s bad when you’re already having to miss yoga class due to unnecessary stupidity.
You describe this tea so well. It sounds like you enjoyed it more than I did!
Awww, thank you, guys. I appreciate your kind words and support. All this is giving me a good idea of what the future will be like living next to these people. Cork! I had never considered that as an option. I’ll look into it. It would work with my colour scheme, so if it is affordable, it might not be too disruptive.
Oh, boy. I am no stranger to bad neighbors, so I feel your pain. Good for you for being so polite. I know all too well that tooth grinding urge to shriek and kick something. Preferably him.
Came across a small unopened sample of this while shuffling and organizing things and thought I’d go with the green trend of the past few days. Especially because a moment of zen. Yeah, I could use a moment of zen right now. Maybe more than a moment.
Pretty tea. Enjoyable tea. I didn’t read the ingredients or reviews before I sipped my first cup. Creamy mild berry on a gentle green. I could drink this on the regular.
The jasmine was missing for me. Perhaps I will be able to detect it now that I know that it is supposed to be there.
Flavors: Berry, Cream
I continued drinking this throughout the day after my first two cups. My third and fourth and fifth cups were a bit of berry, a bit of lime, and a bit of cream: all in all, in pretty good balance with a nice base. Thankfully, they lacked the odd mildewiness of the first cup. Possibly that first cup had had more lime rind than necessary in the dry leaf in my spoon. Either that, or the odd peculiar bite is something one has to get used to. The pastry aspect continued to be absent.
Since I returned to green and oolongs again yesterday, I may as well go with it for as long as the trend lasts.
This one, though still fresh and bright a year in, has a bit of some sort of a dusty mildewy type flavour to it. Can’t place whether it is from the tea base or the additions. Possibly it is from the lime rind type flavouring. It doesn’t make this tea undrinkable, to me anyway, but it does contribute something odd and not entirely pleasant.
The berry is there. The lime is there. Occasional cream notes are present too. The pastry element for me is missing entirely.I will refrain from rating.
Ftr, the second steep is much nicer.