Day 12 DavidsTea 24 Days of Tea calendar – Coffee Pu’erh. I was only able to have about 5 sips of this. The coffee beans made this a digestive minefield for me. I got into tea b/c coffee was giving me terrible nausea after decades of loving the stuff. Tried a few sips, waited, started to feel not so great, stopped. The overly cloying sweetness from the almond did not help either.
So, for anyone else who is coffee sensitive but thinking this tea might be weak enough to be okay: be wary still.
It did remind me how much I miss coffee, but it also reminded me how much I hated flavoured coffee. This was sweet and, as mentioned before, the almond and also vanilla were far too strong & the whole thing is underpinned with an artificiality that was not pleasant. If you dig General Foods International instant flavoured coffees, you’ll probably like this. Everyone else: steer clear.
Flavors: Almond, Artificial, Coffee, Sweet, Vanilla