Last night there was a damp chill in the air so I went looking for something to chase it away.(caffeine free naturally) On my shelf was the sample box of rooibos teas, found the vanilla, thinking this will chase the chill away. You know it did just that…But.
When I first opened the packet it was not what I expected when I smelled it. It was a bit earthy smelling, will more woodsy. That went away when I poured the steamy hot water over the rooibos. Then later the steam that touched my nose as I poured the dark amber liquor into my cup only added to experiance. Drinking the warm vanilla rooibos tea was the next best thing to snuggling in a my favorite chair. Which I did while anyway. This tea did indeed chase away the chill that seem to be rising inside me.
Overall this was a most comforting tea to end the day with. Got to get more…