I was very very sick today – to the point of barely being able to walk. I dragged myself into making myself a cup. It was an excruciating wait. But.it.was.worth.it. 10 mins after drinking half my cup I felt a thousand times better and more relaxed. The sick feeling was all gone and I was left just feeling tired and infinitely relieved.
I must say I’m beyond surprised. I didn’t have much hope for this blend. My mum used to brew me fresh ginger lemon tea when I was a child and I didn’t think something store bought could give me similar results.
The taste is not super gingery (ironic, I know) but you taste a little ginger. I like my ginger strong but since this actually worked as a cure I’m not complaining. The green rooibos was a great choice to blend it with as there is no caffeine. Caffeine would have been the death of me today. Lastly, the stevia – I was a lot sceptical when I saw it in the ingredient list and I still wish they left this addition out, but thankfully the tea was not as sweet as I expected. Infact, I barely tasted the sweetness and as I hate sweet teas or excessively sweet, well, anything, I would have insta-hated this tea. Well played DavidsTea
Flavors: Ginger, Peppercorn