Tea Swaps Discussions

Arrange tea swaps and trades here. Be careful about posting personal information publicly.

Topic Replies Last Reply
2003 Sheng Samples 0
Kuro (Black) Raku Fuji San Chawan Shoraku Sasaki Japanese Matcha Tea Bowl 抹茶碗 0
Teapots FS (Vintage Yixing and Taiwanese woodfired) 1
Tea friends in Orange County, CA 0
2012 Mandala Noble Mark Ripe pu erh (sale or trade) 1
Group Buy: 2006 Mengku Wild Arbor King Brick 0
Tea Suggestions!! 7
[US] Tea swaps for US to US only 917
FT: Yixing 185mL Shi Pao 0
Herbal TTB 24
Dammann Frères, Mariage Frères, Betjeman & Barton, Kusmi teas to swap 3
Tea swappers who need new fresh tea? 0
Looking for US small Tea Swap partners 0
New TTB - US only 3
DIY Tea Advent Calendar 37
Tea Swap in Belgium or Europe 0
Tea Beginner, help me to start 0
[LF] David's Tea Mango Diablo 0
Silver Teapot for sale 0
Traveling tea box for Belgium 7