Tea Rooms and Retail Discussions

Discuss offline places to drink or buy tea.

Topic Replies Last Reply
New Teahouse in Mexico 1
Emmett - YangQingHao tea group orders. 54
Celestial Seasonings in Barrie, On. 7
Tealeaves order 49
Mystery Tea Box Subscription - Yay or Nay? 6
Traditional Tea Shops in South East (US)? 3
Going to Quebec; rec any good tea places for me? 5
David'sTea is coming to LA and San Jose! 10
Tea shop in MD/DC? 24
Help with packing & packaging 6
My WONDERFUL experience..... 2
Best tea rooms in Southern California? 3
Bulk buy UK suppliers 2
Good experience at Teavana 11
What's the best Tea Room in Toronto? 8
opening a tea shop. any info welcome! 8
Do you like what we're doing in the tea industry? 41
jusTea Teas available in store in South Mississauga 0
Now offering $5.95 Flat rate shipping to Canada 2
English Tea Store - no customer service response 3