Spammers on Steepster
Ugh, they’re back!
Oh good, now they’re logging reviews on existing teas and not just making their own. (Just zapped two solaharts, one leaving reviews on Cocoa Amore).
Edit: make that three solaharts! They are busy this morning.
The moderators and new spam features have done a great job so far, thanks for all the help!
Unfortunately, they’ve now taken to spamming us on Twitter :(
Not sure. It could be someone trying to make searches for “Steepster” irrelevant, but most likely is just someone paying to get links to their profile which links to their site. But the profile is already removed, so it doesn’t nothing but be annoying…
I’m beginning to wonder if it’s some kind of vendetta against you. Insulted any solar panel salesmen lately?
I did insult a Jakartan solar panel salesman/shaman who placed a curse on me. But I didn’t think it was related.
Jason – too much? :D
Ah, still working through a bunch of emails. Don’t worry about sending too much though, I’ll get to it eventually :).
There was some sort of movie advert earlier. Did you guys get it?
I like the idea of ‘killing’ spam. Must be one of the only times you can declare that your going to kill something and it’s a positive thing.
Someone mentioned spamming going on earlier for a website called Psycho Zombies. Well someone added me earlier, she friended me and one other person…that just so happens to be advertising Psycho Zombies.
I think the moderators caught the “movie” spamming earlier and extinguished it pretty quick.
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