Pumpkin Chai by Davids Tea for sale?
Hello everyone!!
I am looking to buy or trade for some davids tea pumpkin spice. It would be ideal as a sealed 50g bag.
My boyfriends favourite tea of all time is the pumpkin chai and I got so caught up with school I didn’t have a chance to buy some before the fall collection ended :( I figured they would have it for a few days extra.. But no
I really really wanted to get him some for Christmas, but I can’t seem to find stock anywhere (even eBay).
I would be extremely grateful if I could trade or buy it off of you .
Unfortunately I don’t have any to send you but if all else fails, look into getting Grandma’s Pumpkin Pie from Della Terra as the two are quite similar. However, I doubt you will have much trouble finding some Pumpkin Chai. Good luck!
Lynne-tea have you found some pumpkin chai yet? If not I have 3 … 50g unopened packages if you would like I will sell cheap or we can do a trade I bought them this season
Hey twingles3!
I have not found any yet sadly! I would absolutely love to either buy a package off you or trade you for something. I have a lot of Verdant teas, or if there is something specific you are looking for I can definitely see if I have it in my cupboard!
Let me know what you would prefer.
I really really appreciate this! He’s someone who is very hard to buy for >.<
Thank you for your suggestion VariaTEA! I will have to check it out if I can’t get a package :)
I am a fan of verdant oolong if you would like to trade that if you have any
Or we can just do $6 a package
Here is my email and we can work out the details :-)
[email protected]
Glad you were able to find some!
I was crazy about their spring collection this year and really bummed when I realized how limited those sales were (I live in Boston, it’s not uncommon that they sell out before a season is even over).
Hope they bring ‘em back next year. I got Harney’s fall collection this time around so I never got to try David’s
IF anyone else is looking for some, DT posted that they found more tins so there’s more on the website: http://www.davidstea.com/pumpkin-chai-collectible-tin?&TF=&DEID=
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