Miscellaneous Sales

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Yunnan Sourcing has 12% off Yunnan Sourcing brand puerh teas, only on the .com website.

Use code: 5day12

Good until August 10th at 11 PM China time (I believe this is 11 AM Eastern).

Javan said

So tempting!

apt said

too late

Sorry guys, it’s actually August 10th! My bad on the typo. :P

apt said

in that case I’m going to cry bc PayPal doesn’t work for me

Sil select said

walks away must.not.buy.tea

boychik said

apt, don’t be too upset. It’s on YS puerh only. I really like when it’s site wide.
Sorry abt Paypal:(

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apt said

this is always there

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vc said

There’s a bunch of new stuff added to David’s Tea’s web specials. I want an octopus glass mug, but must resist….

Ost said

thanks for the heads up! :D Needed some new tea ware…

Ohhh! I hope there’s still stuff left when I get home from work. Mobile shopping is no go for me

You have no idea how fast I got out of bed when I saw the new clearance. Best alarm clock ever!

Megan said

Ordered the octopus glass mug. I couldn’t resist!

Oh man. I so want one of those carry mugs…but I hardly use the regular timolino I have. >>

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Cwyn said

15% off teas that are not already in the sale category at americantearoom.com through August 8, use code SIPSUMMER.

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yyz said

One of the aliexpress sellers I have bought from is offering 1.99 samples on some of his available teas. There are some nice teas there including golden needles and a pretty nice biluochun black tea.

I’ve bought several times from this seller. My only caveat is if there is any confusion in the description contact him. He is willing to chat. His English is not perfect but is good enough if you are patient. He will probably have good sales on August 19 the as he tends to participate in aliexpress site wide sales.

This looks interesting! I may have to order a couple of those lovely-looking Dianhongs. :)

Do you have any experience with their Jin Jun Mei? They appear to have three different types.

yyz said

It looks like he added some more dianhongs last night. I don’t have any experience with the jinjunmei he’s offering as samples, it looks like there is four of them ( one of the Fujian teas is one as well). I did have one of his cheaper jinjunmei’s last year that was heavily roasted. It is easy to drink but nothing spectacular. He has had good reviews on some of his higher grades though. If your looking for a certain flavour profile you can ask hi!m but be aware that chocolate seems to be rarely used and poorly understood by many of these dealers as a descriptor in tea.

I’m tempted to try this dian Hong at some point because I am curious about what in this flavour profile had the purchaser looking for it for a year.

I love the biluo red tea ( it’s best as a gongfu tea) and I purchased some of my favourite greens from him.

Yeah, I’m thinking I’ll probably purchase all of the Dianhongs, might as well for $2 a piece. Honestly even if I purchase all of the Jinjunmei too, it’s still under $20. :P

yyz said

I meant to provide this link

His prices tend to be very good and last order he further discounted my order by almost 10.00 when I bought two teas together.

Do you see any difference between these two…?


They both say they’re orchid fragrance jin jun mei… :P

yyz said

The leaf is different one is more tippy and more loosely wound whereas the other seems tighter.

Got all of the Dianhongs and 3 different Jin Jun Meis for under $16. Thanks for the heads up! :D

yyz said

I hope you enjoy them.

I’m sure I will! The only one I might not enjoy is the orchid fragrance, but I figure if I don’t like it, someone around here will give it a good home. :)

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Free shipping on all US orders at www.whisperingpinestea.com

Originally limited time only, but I might make free US shipping a permanent policy :)

Free shipping will definitely make me place my first order a lot sooner than I would have! I am working on my order list :)


LOL Marzipan. Love it!

Stephanie is like a TEA GURU. Surely she has ordered there before!

I admit to totally sending her some wee snaily yums on the downlow.

Now I feel bad, I didn’t even think to send her some of that!

Don’t feel bad! She asked for it in our swap. :P

I really appreciate you guys letting me try some WP teas in our swaps. I really like the whole “try before you buy” deal ;)

Right now Golden Orchid is on the top of my order list. I’m interested in trying the Snaily Yums before I order, and also the Cocoa Amore!!!

I have Cocoa Amore coming, I can save some for you. I would like to try both Manistee Moonrise and S’mores now that they aren’t smoky, but I didn’t order them yet.

Marzipan I have another serving of non-rooibosy smores if you would like it, but it IS the smokey kind! I think I asked for some Cocoa Amore in a swap with someone but I forget…if not I will let you know! Thx!

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Harney & Sons is having 10% off of their bottled teas and their iced tea pouch tins, ends tomorrow at midnight eastern time.

Use code: BOTTLED14

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Harney & Sons 15% off your order until August 13th. Use code SCHOOL14.

Golden Tips Tea is offering first-time customers free shipping on orders above $25 (US, Canada and Europe only). Use code SHIP25. Their samplers are still on sale: http://goldentipstea.com/collections/sale

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yyz said

Capital Tea Ltd

Deal of the week.
Keemun Hao Ya. 40% off

sherubtse said

Ah yes, I’ve been eyeing that one ….

Best wishes,

Sil select said

ooohhhh like i need more tea but ooooh

looseTman said

yyz, How does their Keemun Hao Ya compare to TeaVivre’s?

yyz said

I haven’t tried it yet. I have only had their Keemun Classic which I quite enjoy. They currently have three keemun.http://www.capitaltea.com/shop/search.php?mode=search

*ignore the bottom one on thlist it came up on the search, though it might be interesting to try a Darjeeling with Keemun characteristics.

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looseTman said

Bonavita 1-Liter Variable Temperature Digital Electric Gooseneck Kettle List: $104.99 http://www.bonavitaworld.com/products/kettle5.asp

Sale: $59.99* with free shipping – Pavilion Electronics through Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Bonavita-Variable-Temperature-Electric-Gooseneck/dp/B005YR0F40%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q%26tag%3Dduckduckgo-d-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB005YR0F40

*This price was offered on 8/10 & 8/11. Shortly after my purchase, the price increased to $94.95. It appears their pricing strategy is to frequently raise & lower the price. If interested, watch & wait is recommended.

You got a super sweet deal!

PresMarkle said

I got the 1.7 liter model for soooooo much cheaper!
$36.99 – From Bonavita World

I don’t know about free shipping because I have Prime, and it is Prime eligible.
I absolutely love it, it does everything I needed!

looseTman said

That’s also a very good deal. However, I wanted the controlled pour the gooseneck model provides.

PresMarkle said

Hm, I get you. I’ve heard someone say that before, so I was pretty nervous when I bought this one. But just in case anybody is interested, I don’t have any problem pouring mine, it is slow and smooth. I will admit that the gooseneck starts at the bottom of the kettle rather than near the top like mine, so you may have to tip it farther. Bonavita makes great kettles!

looseTman said

Since the gooseneck starts at the bottom, there may also be less heatloss. An open spout at the top allows steam to easily escape.

Glad to hear you like your Bonavita!

looseTman said

Stephanie, I thought so too. http://www.seattlecoffeegear.com/bonavita-electric-gooseneck-variable-temperature-kettle has a price match policy that only excludes ebay & Craigslist http://www.seattlecoffeegear.com/price-match/?product_id=2168 and they could not match the Pavilion Electronics Amazon price. The most they were able to offer was 10% off.

apt said

i wouldn’t buy from Seattle Coffee Gear anyways, their videos are so obnoxious.

looseTman said

Our new Bonavita arrived today! So pleased!

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