Tea timer web app

Hello all, I have created a tea timer web app that also works as a progressive web app (you can click the share button and save to home screen, for example on iOS).


It has a modest list of preset teas and times – it saves these to your browser’s “local storage”, and then you can add, remove or modify them to your liking (or restore to the defaults).
Check it out and feel free to use if timing teas is your thing (as a web developer I often zone out and end up with a wretched cup of bitter cold green or black tea or with rooibos or herbal teas sometimes I’m not sure if it’s been long enough…)

Caveat that iOS blocks autoplaying audio and so for technical reasons related to javascript, it should only play a sound once on your iOS device, for desktop, and I believe Android, it should ring pleasantly (hopefully) until you click the reset button.


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