Jason select said

Which new features do you want the most?

What do you want us to work on next? (we can’t guarantee all suggestions will become a reality or that they’ll happen anytime soon…or at all, sorry :)

EDIT: We know the thread is really long, so don’t worry about combing through the whole thing to see if your idea has already been suggested. Just go ahead and let us know what you think, we’ll take care of the rest (hopefully in a timely manner).

If you have a specific problem or encounter a bug, send an email to jason at steepster.com.

1699 Replies
Auggy said

Love the updates! Any chance that you’ll add the ability to sort by tea name or company name in the Shopping List or Cupboard?

Jack said

We’ll add that to our list. It’d be especially great to have the shopping list teas grouped by company to make it easier to order all at once.

Auggy said


Jason select said

I can only assume that Steepster users would have such amazing teas in their cupboards that anyone would want to purchase them all. That’s why I think we should add a “purchase all teas in cupboard” button and just make it easier for everyone ;) (jk, don’t look for that anytime soon)

Suzi said

Speaking of updates for Cupboards, I wish there was a way to mark a tea you see on someone else’s Cupboard as ‘log this!’ for when you’re curious about a tea and you want to encourage your friends to chat it up. But I am thrilled with the Cupboard addition – this is what I was using my Shopping List for! X-D

Marlena said
Message deleted by author.
Jason select said

Interesting idea…we’ll take a look at that and see where we can fit it in. Thanks!

Janefan said

I’d also like to be able to “sort” my cupboard – specifically by tea type and/or company name. I also like Suzi’s idea above logging (or “bookmarking”) a tea that you are interested in and want to try or read more about.

Teaspoon said
Message deleted by author.
Cofftea said

@Teaspoon, that’s similar to my “request” button next to teas in a person’s cupboard, but I don’t think the teaspoon idea will work literally. Most cups of white tea take much more than that. I’d only get about a 2oz cup out of a teaspoon.

ge0ff73 said

An iPhone application would be cool. I have my iPhone around me a lot more than my notebook.

Treadwell said

I second @ge0ff73’s request for an iPhone app! I’d love to be able to rate teas and add tasting notes on the go! Other than that, keep up the great work here. I really feel like this is a productive place to be every time I log in, and that’s saying a lot amidst all the other social networks out there! ;P

Heated seats and a sunroof

i think it would be great to have a log of what teas you are drinking – instead of adding a tasting note every time i drink the same tea…almost like a last.fm i’ve listened to an artist 5 times this week. i’ve had 5 cups of genmaicha this day/week/month etc.

Cofftea said

@Britt Wight- then just click “save” w/o adding anything to the tasting note. Although this line is gettng particularly confusing since most have nothing to do w/ Auggy’s suggestion.

Cofftea said

You “like” it by pressing the word “like”. The heart is read if you’ve already “liked” the tasting note.

K S said

To expand on Susan’s post, a how to guide or help section for common commands would be much appreciated by newbies.

If you are going to include sorting by tea company name, then some clean-up of tea company names is needed. For example: “The Boston Tea Co.” vs “Boston Tea Co.” and “The English Tea Store” vs “English Tea Store”.

Cofftea said

@Little Yellow Teapot. Just PM Jason w/ the companies that need to be merged and he will do it.

Hi, @Cofftea, I sent them a couple of samples to spur them to do a check thru the database, but I think they stopped with the 2 that I sent. This is their site and they need to keep it up properly, not put it on us. It only took a couple of minutes to find those 2. Pretty obvious.

Cofftea said

Jason, Mike, and Jack shouldn’t be bribed. They can’t do everything and they can’t know something needs to be fixed if no one brings it to their attention. This is the steepster community. If you think it’s so important then send them a PM volunteering your services.

JoeFromWI said

A tea blog would be cool. I am into flavored teas and there are a lot of blends I would like to see. I would also like to talk about my favorite herbs and spices.

Jason select said

@cofftea: I think LYT meant they sent us samples (examples) of companies that needed to be merged, not tea samplers :)

Cofftea said

LOL (cracking up at my stupidity) Duh. See how much tea consumes my thoughts? Sorry LYT=D

It’d be great if a specific tea we’re given a cumulative score based on the ratings from all the shops that offer it. For instance, Pi Lo Chun would have one overall rating for the tea itself, but it’s derived from the scores for all the tea shops. It’d be way easier to find new teas without seeing the same one 30 different times, and less confusing for people who are trying to expand their tastes in tea.

Is there a way to continually update/ change a previously reviewed tea, so that you can just add or change the same tea reviewed, over time. Then you could have one Big tea review for the same tea, or have the Option to start another review of the same tea if you want to, say for a new lot of the same tea-from the same company-should the tea be a better or lesser quality?

Cofftea said

Well, I’m not sure why anyone would want to, but you can edit an existing note at any time. Just click “tea log”, go to the tasting note that you want to edit, click “edit”, make changes, and click, save changes." You can also write a new tasting note by clicking on the name of the tea and clicking “add tasting note”. The only thing you can not do; however, is assign more than one numerical rating for a certain tea. This has been suggested many times and is one of my biggest pet peeves w/ Steepster.

I’m sure this has probably been said, but I just joined up. On the home page on the right hand side, the list of tea types with the check boxes — is there a way to de-select all? I usually only want to look up just the black and green teas, and it takes several minutes to unclick all those check boxes. Thanks!

I’ll second that one!

abadger said

I hope I’m not being repetitive (in case it was mentioned before), but will there will be an iPhone or Droid app to steepster? I think that would be EPIC!

MantraTea said

Would like to post Ingredient of True chai or simply Masala chai being an Indian, I have travelled half of the world and never had the same Chai we drink in India. How I can post it if there is no wall like in facebook.

Nerys said

A section for teas I had in the past.
A list of companies that have some sort of single portion sample service. Photoalbum for our teacups , teapots etc

This may have been suggested but a way to export the tea log to an excel spreadsheet and to download our tasting notes into a file.

I would LOVE to see a mobile app for smartphones so that all of this information would be available on on the go in an easy to use platform. Had a wonderful matcha the other day and had to make notes on it in my phones “notebook”, then transfer it into Steepster when I got home later.

Greg_2tea said

Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh for an oolong time

ctjuggler said

I am a new tea connoisseur and I would love to see and educational section on Steepster including:
- a dictionary for tea terminology,
- an index of tea categories explaining the history and characteristics of the different categories of tea,
- an index of common tea ingredients explaining what type of plant they come from, the taste profile of that ingredient.
- How to section teaching newbies some basic theory on traditional, popular as well as newer techniques for steeping tea.

Renee M said

An iphone app that rates teas and notes so when I’m in the store and see something new, I can tell if it’s worth bothering without logging in and search the website.

An easy way to log the teas I drink that show up in the cupboard. I’m probably not going to write about a tea every time I drink it but it is an entertaining thing to know what I’m loving.

priligy said

香港台灣威而鋼、犀利士、必利勁正品官方專賣店 I品質保證I無憂售後I誠信服務I

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teaplz said

Love the discussion boards! I think it’s a great idea!

I’d really love to see Personal Messaging, and a convenient way to set up tea swapping!

teafiend said

Ditto! Also, maybe an e-mail notifications on when we get comments, that way we don’t have to check back to see if someone said something awesome. Like that little box under this box that I just noticed.

Mike select said
Message deleted by author.
Jason select said

Haha, those little boxes can be hard to spot. Personal messages are on the list and coming soon!

teaplz said

Awesome and yay!

Suzi said

Hooray! Personal Messaging was my biggest request, too :D

Cofftea said


Cofftea said

Maybe bulletin boards for ISO and haves for teas and one for books. A book swap would be cool!

Doulton said

TeaSwapping would be great on a small scale, a medium scale, and a large scale.

Janefan said

Yes to tea swapping! I swap now on swap-bot but would love to do it on steepster so that I could read the recipient’s reviews afterwards!

Cofftea said


Janefan said

http://swap-bot.com/ is for swapping all kinds of stuff (esp. handmade crafts and postcards). Some people swap tea – mainly pre-packaged teabags since it is cheap and easy to mail a few in an envelope, even internationally. I think steepster would be a great site to use for swaps since you can easily see what types of teas a member likes, what they already have, etc. Plus it would be a more appropriate venue for exchanging loose tea too. I would love to be able to mark some of my cupboard teas as “willing to share” or “willing to swap” and then negotiate a trade and share addresses privately on Steepster.

Cofftea said

I love it! By each tea in the cupboard there could be two buttons to click, “TAKE PLEASE!” and “request”.

Heyes said

Yes to swapping, and being able to mark a tea from someone else’s review!

Astral said

yea it would be great if you could mark up the teas in your cupboard that you wanna swap and then people could request them

Mokiwis said

I would love to swap since here in Mexico the best variety of teas is from Teavana.

priligy said

香港台灣威而鋼、犀利士、必利勁正品官方專賣店 I品質保證I無憂售後I誠信服務I

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Angrboda said

Oh discussion board! Awesomesauce! I’m notoriously bad at using these things, being used to more journal-like social places like LJ and, well, this place. :) I’ll do my best though. :)

Since you’re asking, just yesterday I was thinking perhaps some very simple html availability in posts? Just the very basics like bold, italics and underlined and making a link? I’ve sometimes wanted to emphasise something or other, and I prefer to do it with bolds or italic font rather than caps. Caps just look like I’m shouting.

Also I agree with Teaplz about the private message systems.

Yeah! something like markdown.

Aduial said

+1 to basic HTML!


BB code is easier to use than HTML, that might work too

Jason select said

HTML is on the list and hopefully coming soon!

Second the discussion board search feature, and the forum and sub-forum organization principles. At present, I choose not to contribute much to the discussions, because my usually-careful writing is just scattered and lost in the shuffle. Kudos for all you’ve done and the exacting, staged way you are implementing things! Very few bugs and very little system down time, considering the number of features being added. Being a career computer systems person, believe me, I know good work when I see it. Just keep on being measured and methodical, as you have, and don’t be swayed by arguments for adding stuff before it’s proper time. It’s hard to do, but you’ve been doing it. I’m 65 yrs old and so bleeping envious …..

Hey folks, I found one of the types available this afternoon by accident. I usually use asterisks to denote an exhalation of sometype (e.g., a sigh) but when I put ‘asterisk sigh asterisk’ in a comment this afternoon, it translated into bold such as sigh.
If this is BB coding as opposed to HTML, I’d appreciate it if Jason or one of the Steepster set-up folks would list them for us when we prepare to post a Reply.

jvboom said

‘asterisk test asterisk’

plash said

Markdown Markdown Markdown!

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I think there should be a way to incorporate several teas into a tasting – as when a person blends teas, or they have multiple teas in a sitting, and want to talk about how they balance/compare.

I also think maybe it would be helpful if we could possibly rate reviews people leave on teas. That way, reviews that give an especially notable insight into the tea can be given more attention. Granted, this site is useful as a personal tea log, but if I want to want to make an educated opinion on a tea before purchasing, it would be nice to have instant access to the detailed reports on taste, scent, nuance, brewing temperature, quality etc, rather than having that be buried amongst logs of “I like it. Really tasty!”

Number three…. It might be useful if there were umbrellas for major types of tea, like gunpowder, dragonwell, dragon pearls, Lapsang Souchong, and so on, so people can make more general statements about the teas themselves, when they don’t want to speak about a specific brand, just their experiences, opinions, and brewing practices with the tea itself. If this is done, some precaution should be taken to assure that teas with multiple spellings of the name (ti kwan yin, ti guan yin, Iron Goddess of Mercy) (Pi Lo Chun, Bi Lou Chun) are under the same category.

So, just some ideas to throw around.
Good job on the board and new logging page, by the way. Very nice.

Jason select said

Really good thoughts. I like! These are things we’ve considered and may do in the future, but I also just wanted to expose some of our reasoning on the different features.

Discussing multiple teas in a single tasting is something we haven’t done because we’ve found that focusing on describing a single tea experience helps keep things organized. But this is something that does happen and we’ll keep in mind for the future, we’ll have to think about that one a little more and come up with a good UI for it.

We have considered allowing ratings for tasting notes to help direct people to the best ones for a specific tea. There’s some considerable work involved and we didn’t want it to be too overwhelming for users at the beginning. We added the “likes” to help raise the best tasting notes to the top, but more detailed ratings could help that even more. Plus, most of the tasting notes on the site were added before the “like” functionality was available.

For the “umbrellas” for major tea types, I think this brand new discussion board might be the perfect place for those. There could be a topic for each major type where people talk about all the things you mention. Plus, once we have those filled out, we could even link those onto the the tea pages for each type of that tea. Thanks for the suggestions.

As for the message board thing for the umbrella-ing, I think that could work rather well. I think it would work well if there were sub-forums in the forums (like, a topic for “Green Tea”, and inside of that, a topic for “Gunpowder”), so the conversations can be kept kind of organized. Regardless of what happens, though, the forums open a lot of doors for expanding and sharing tea knowledge.

Also, another small suggestion – kinda dorky.
Maybe a forum for tea literature. That would be prose, poetry, journalistic articles, how-to articles, historic writings…
I know I have a few articles on tea I’ve written, and… as lame as it, some poetry about tea.

takgoti said

Re: Tasting Note Ratings

I’m sure most of you are familiar with Yelp, but I love their Useful, Funny, Cool rating system. Succinct and all-encompassing. Perhaps something similar would work nicely on here.

I think there should be a way to incorporate several teas into a tasting – as when a person blends teas, or they have multiple teas in a sitting, and want to talk about how they balance/compare.


Cofftea said

Second the sub forums!

Jason select said

We’re already looking into the best ways to help organize the discussions using things like sub forums and search and will be ironing out the details soon.

We’re also looking at different ways to help draw attention to the best and most recent tasting notes. Thanks!

Sean said

I have to agree with the desire for multiple teas in a testing, maybe flagged as “blend” and with a spot to list other teas so that one can update once but find similar blends without searching for every tea used. Finding good blends has been one of the main reasons I use Steepster, and it’d be great to have that versatility.

Thanks :)

Cofftea said

Re: Sean’s comment… Maybe have a “blended with” field where we can add teas and herbs. If it’s already listed on steepster the name could be a link right to that tea’s profile, but if it isn’t we’d have to enter it 1st.

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takgoti said


Ditto on everything people have said here. Would love to see HTML options, notably. I prefer bolding to CAPPING. [BUT I CAN E-SHOUT IF NECESSARY.]

I feel like I should add something constructive, but you guys are layering on the hotness so fast I can’t think of anything. OH! How about making Liam and Noel Gallagher get along so they can create something good again? That should keep you busy.

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Jason select said

I’m just wondering who will be the first non-Steepster employee to create a discussion topic – make it a good one, no throwaways :)

Jillian said

Well I was tempted to do a “First Post, LOL!” but I figured your guys would lynch me if I did. XD

teaplz said

I was thinking of just a generic “List your favorite teas!” one, but since I’m relatively new, I figured I’d give it to one of the oldies-but-goodies on the site.

So, uh, where’s my Reward? Trophy? Honorable mention? Horde of screaming, tea-drinking fangirls?

Jason select said

Reward…um…gonna have to get back to you on that…
Endless gratitude and adoration?

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Jillian said

I’d love a quick and easy way to flag spam posts as well as duplicate companies/teas. I also second Angrboda suggestion of being able to use basic html tags in our posts.

I second these ideas (or is this a third by now?)

Cofftea said


Marie said

I agree about the duplicates. The Metropolitan Tea Company is a wholesale distributor where the original names they give different teas and blends of teas carry over to to the individual retailers and retail companies that sell the tea such as The Tea Table etc. It’s easier to spot when a retailer uses the same name such as Queen Mary, Lady Londonderry, Windsor Castle etc., and much harder to spot when the name is something even more general like Cherry, Earl Grey, etc. What does everyone think about this?

Jason select said

Flagging spam/duplicate teas and companies is on the list. Good suggestion.

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LOVING the new features! I was wondering about more features specifically for the Steepster Select…maybe adding Add to You Shopping List and/or Cupboard right on that page. I know there is a BUY NOW but I would like to add to my shopping list for another time…if you could!? Thanks again!

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Well, I absolutely love the new features!

I checked my dashboard this morning, and I find it is getting rather unwieldy in length, with everyone putting teas in their cupboards, and posting messages on the new boards. Maybe we could select the activities that we are interested in following?

Angrboda said

I agree with this. Or maybe some kind of filter system where you can first check reviews and then all the other stuff afterwards.

Suzi said

After playing with the ‘new’ dashboard yesterday and today I want to add to this request for some sort of filtering device. As much as I love reading reviews, the notifications for Cupboard additions/Shopping List/Discussion Notes are getting really overwhelming really fast!

Jason select said

We’re already working on better organization for the dashboard. With all of the new activity we’ve been tracking, we know it can be overwhelming and we want to make it easier to consume. Should be out soon!

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LENA said


I do have to agree with Cynthia however. My dashboard is officially blown up! I don’t think all users following someone need to see when they add a tea to their cupboard. While I think it’s totally fun to add to my own cupboard, I’d like to see some tea reviews without all of the clutter.

New feature idea:
I would like to get some sort of notification when someone likes or comments on one of my reviews. I know it shows up on the dash, but if you are following several people…or cannot check the site daily, it gets covered up. Maybe a daily email that condenses your likes/comments. Maybe I’m just vain. HA! :)

Jason select said

This is something we’re looking to incorporate into the new dashboard designs. So you know when people have interacted with (commented, left a new reply, etc.) on content you’ve already interacted with.

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