Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
Max Weldam said

I don’t have an computer and would love to use the site more. So a mobile friendly webpage is high up there for me. An app seems excessive, to much hassle in my opinion.

SteveS1979 said

An app would be awesome! I just don’t want to be the one to pay to develop it… agree that the site could benefit from a mobile friendly version… but I’m new, don’t mind me!

TeaPro said

We’re developing a tea app currently and would love for you to be the first to test our alpha version which comes out before the end of the year!
I’m Tatjana from https://teapro.co.uk/ by the way – feel free to sign up to our waiting list so you get notified when the alpha version is out!
Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Maybe a captcha to help (potentially?) reduce spam posts.

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I’m new here; however, the spam posts on the discussion forum are completely inappropriate, and entirely uncomfortable for a morally developed person to deal with. I don’t know how long I could cope with stuff such as that being posted. Is there not a way to prevent this sort of thing? Maybe you could make it so that people can’t start new discussions for a minimum of a few weeks after signing up, and even then, only after being reviewed and approved by a moderator. Who are the moderators on this forum anyway?

And the ability to upload photographs to this website.

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So I’m sure it has been mentioned before, but I would love it if when you were in your cupboard, you could sort by black teas, green teas, etc (and then obviously there would have to be a mix category for the things that have more than one type ie: a black tea mixed with green tea). Even just a general sorting by type would be great, even if it isn’t perfect. It would be better than not having it at all. But the sorting is already happening when a tea gets added to Steepster with the check boxes, so it’s already halfway there?

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An edit button for when we leave comments on tasting notes. Nothing is more jarring than noticing you made a really annoying typo right after you hit the Post button, but you can’t fix it, other than deleting the whole comment (as there is a delete button), and reposting the whole thing without the egregious error. The forums have an edit button, so why not the comments on the tasting notes? I’m on a lot of medications and my head isn’t always in the best state, so I often don’t notice things until “after the fact,” so an edit feature would be really helpful.

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I’m not sure if this has been mentioned previously, but I would really like to be able to enter a decimal value for “teaspoons” in a tasting note.

1.5 teaspoons is my default tea volume for a 16 oz. pot!

Agreed. I have been measuring in grams lately, and I’m almost always using part grams, like “3.3g” or something of that nature and am forced to round off, which isn’t accurate to what I actually brewed.

1cestovni said

I vote for that new feature also

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Another feature that I think would be useful:

The ability to add a note to cupboard entries. I could see using it for purchase location and date, expiration date, amount purchased or remaining, reminder to reorder, and many other things. Just a plain string field would be a great start.

Those are all reasons why I don’t use the Steepster Cupboard for my inventory (along with not having the in-depth sorting options I like), so I use a spreadsheet that I link on my profile instead. As a library cataloger, I have a lot of that info on my personal inventory spreadsheet, plus I can sort the data in a lot of unique ways by the different fields.

Shae said

This is an older comment, I know, but I love this idea! I keep a lot of this info in a spreadsheet but it would be great to have that in Steepster itself.

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Hi! I’m New here, tea lover from Norway…! I would like a list on the front page of the top ten/20/25 most preferred or liked teas on this forum…!

It’s not exactly the same, but if you go to the “Teas” link at the top of the site, you can see the highest rated teas on Steepster. There’s also an option to see the most popular teas.

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Thank you for the information, Cameron B :)

Another option could be to start a discussion topic if you’re looking for recommendations!

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Milk – Y/N option in the tea log

teevogel said

A field for “things added after steeping” would cover this, while providing a lot more flexibility(would also work for cream or milk substitutes, sugar and other sweeteners, and lemon and other juices).

Argentin said

Really love this idea since 90% of my reviews for earl grey tea are from a milk and honey point of view but adding that to every entry looks awful.

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