Which new features do you want the most?
-I don’t know if anyone is on goodreads, but they have a feature where you can compare books-thus showing the books that you have read or want to read, and any compares ratings. It would be really cool if one can compare teas in the same manner:)
-When I try in put 1.5 tsp in the tasting note, it always goes to 1 tsp :/
-An apple app or mobile site!
-price listing?
-Instead of 1-100 maybe 1-5(with half-ratings allowed) or 1-10.
I would love an RSS feed for the various discussion categories.
Update: Does anyone even read these? The profile for Jason http://steepster.com/jason gives me an “error.”
PLEASE ALLOW USERS TO ADD THEIR OWN FLAVOR NOTES IN-LINE, rather than having to email Steepster to add them.
The current process is a hassle. I have sent in three emails, each with new flavor suggestions, and none of them have been added as options. In fact, I haven’t received any replies to my emails, all of which are about a week old. Thanks for considering.
Allow users to rate companies, not just places.
What a good idea—and that would be an easier way for a tea company to learn what their more focused tea drinkers were thinking.
This has probably been mentioned before, but it would be enormously helpful to be able to search within a specific user’s wishlist/cupboard/tealog!
If a prolific blogger describes a tea as “similar/better/worse than Tea X” I’d to see what that person did/didn’t like about Tea X. Also, being able to search my own reviews would solve the common “I know I’ve bought this before but was it any good?” grocery store dilemma … which is part of why I joined Steepster in the first place. :D
An easier way of searching for teaware would be great (and a separate space in our cupboard for said teaware, too)! Also, a way to add Places to your wishlist (like a tea-room bucket list). And finally, an iPhone app!!, so I can add teas to my Steepster as I’m trying them.
If this hasn’t been said… I’d be very surprised.
If there was a way to click someone’s wishlist and then on the sorting be able to see two different things:
1. What is in my cupboard
2. Also on my wishlist
This feature would make tea swaps and buying together not only an easier task but probably something that would occur more :)
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