Which new features do you want the most?

1697 Replies
000 said

I would like to be able to find other users to whom I am connected to nowhere else. A search field for users by name/location/handle?

Cofftea said

Top upper left corner of this page

000 said

Not very intuitive. Indeed, other than your link, I have not found it, yet… :)

~lauren. said

where explore is on the top black bar of the steepster site
and connect is on the bottom of the explore page.

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Owlette said

I’m sure someone, somewhere has probably already said this… but it’s nearly 1am and there are 20 pages of replies so excuse my laziness!!!
It would be nice to see reviews/suggestions of good teawares. A good infuser or teapot… things that make a boring/less appealing tea drinking into something better. I know tea is going to taste nicer when infused better!

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Atacdad said

I think the “best teas” feature needs some work. Something like a minimum number of reviews before a tea can be considered. I mean seriously, 2 reviews and “Smokey Bacon” is on the front page?/?/?
Another minor nit…the ability to select the type of teas you want to see the “best of” is great, but its a royal pain to have it re-select and redraw for every one you uncheck. How about making it a select and submit item, so we can get mix and match our selections quickly, then submit them to the page for retrieval/redraw.

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000 said

A chat window, to chat with other tea people who are online.

Cofftea said

Yes! Already suggested:)

This would be a great thing to have here!

Cofftea said

Hopefully Jason has taken the hint from Daniel:)

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Rabs said

I apologize if this has been mentioned, but reading 20 pages is rather intimidating (i.e. I’m too lazy). But I would love to have an option within the Shopping List to mark the item as “To Be Sampled” or something of that sort.

I’m just now getting to the point of adding teas to my list that I’ll always want to have on hand, and so I thought it’d be really handy to be able to sort the Shopping List by what I’d still like to sample, and what are becoming staples for myself that aren’t currently in my cupboard. I also thought that it’d be handy for any friends or relatives whom I direct to this site to get gift ideas for little ole moi. That way they could either put together a sampler present or buy me a nice big tin of a tea that I’m needing.

Cofftea said

The “request a sample” button has been mentioned several times:)

Cait select said

Oh, this would go very nicely with a feature I’ve been hoping for for a while, which would be the ability to mark amounts owned in the cupboard. Amounts wanted on the shopping list would be the logical companion! :)

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probably already in there somewhere but; apps reviews and gadget reviews section

Cofftea said

gadget/teaware reviews have definitely been requested! +!! =D App reviews would also be nice- there are several for iphone and I’d love to know which are worth the $.

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Cofftea said

We’re always egging each other on/tempting each other to cave on Select items, it would be nice if our “I caved…” list was available for others and ourselves to see on our profile. Maybe there could be a “I caved!” button on the slect page and that would log it on our profile. I realize items get recycled so the # of times we cave could be in ().

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I don’t know if anyone has said this or if this is already possible. However, I would like to be able to see all comments I have made on other member tea notes. This way I can follow the conversation. If this is already possible then I apologize I am still fairly new to the world of Steepster and am working on getting to know it better. So far so good. :o)

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Being able to edit our tealogs from the tea’s page. Sometimes I look up a tea from my cupboard to the tea’s page, see how I like to drink it, drink it again, decide I like it a bit stronger or weaker or something now, note it in my new tealog for that tea, then want to go back and remove whatever I said in the other tealog indicating that was how I preferred the tea (not change the steeping parameters of that tealog, just remove the “my ideal steeping” type words), but to do that I would have to hunt backwards on the my tealog page until I found it so I decide not to bother.

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Cofftea said

the ability to film/post video tasting notes directly from Steepster much like you can film post a video message on someone’s wall.

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