Which new features do you want the most?

1698 Replies

I just noticed that I can’t delete my tasting notes(correct me if I’m wrong). I clicked on the button by mistake and can’t find out how to delete them.

Cofftea said

Yes, you can. Click “edit” and you can delete it from there, “delete tasting note” is in red.

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Harfatum said

I like the “Places” menu, I just added one of my favorite local places. I think it would be nicer if when adding a place, you could just type in a business name and zip code, and it would run a Google Maps search (or similar) to fill in the rest of the location info.

Janefan said

also the ability to add a note when you list a place as closed – some near me have relocated/changed names/changed format and “this place is closed” doesn’t quite cover it all…

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It sure would be nice to be able to see the phantom ratings. People who rate the teas, but don’t write tasting notes.

Cofftea said

I vote for not allowing them all together.

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coral23 said

I think it would be cool to list the ingredients for a tea, like how we can currently list descriptions, and then be able to cross reference teas to compare tea blends from different companies. It’s hard to find specific ingredients in tea sometimes because tea names don’t usually reflect the ingredients directly.

This could also be expanded to be searchable with “include” and “don’t include” which could be helpful for people with allergies to some ingredients.

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Feisty said

Uhm…I’m VERY new here, so I apologize if this is a dumb-dumb question…

Just since I’ve been on Steepster (a few days) there’s been a change in the top bar (now says Teas, Places, Discussions, Explore, Select). Before there was a drop down menu (I think it was called “explore”?) where you could explore “people” and get a page of Steepsterite profile pics and use it to check out different people’s tealog? I found it very useful for finding new people who’s tasting notes I enjoy.

What happened to it? Did it move somewhere else? And if it’s gone, any chance of getting it back? Like a “People” button up top or something?

You can click the “explore” tab and at the bottom of the page you’ll find “connect”. Click on that and you’re there!

Feisty said

Yay! Now I can Steepster-stalk to my heart’s content once again! ;) Thanks zeitfliesst!

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Cofftea said

The ability to change the default location for “places”. I have no clue where the city that steepster picked is even located.

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I know that various things about swapping have been suggested before, but, if implemented, it would be great if we could have user preferences for it. Like, “turn on swapping” or “turn off swapping,” etc, for people who don’t want to swap, or can’t swap at some point in time.

I would like more user preferences in general. I know others have suggested security prefs and such.

Also, it would be great to have the available amount to swap listed somewhere for the teas we want to swap! (Don’t know if this has been suggested before, as it didn’t come up in my search, but it would make sense if it were. :P)

I would also love to see the “discussions” section set up more like a forum, where you have different forums for each topic (tea companies, tea wares, etc), so if you’re looking for something specific, it would be organized and easier to find. The “search” feature is only so effective. But then we could have a tea-related forum for all tea topics, and we could have a non-tea-related forum for the discussion of other things (like books and stuff). :)

There could also be an option to see all topics/posts, so people who like it as it is can keep seeing it that way.

I wouldn’t be surprised if all of these things have been suggested already, but I wanted to put in my 2 cents. :)

With the user prefs, it would be great if we could have prefs to change the default way we see things. Like the cupboard for example. If I’d like to see mine as an alphabetical list, I’d like to see it that way every time, instead of having to change it to “alphabetical” every time I go to view my cupboard.

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IPHONE APPLICATION. Please, that would be amazing.

Cofftea said

Already suggested.

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Alicia said

I love that I can look up tea houses now. Tres cool! Thanks!

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Erin said

I think it would be great if there was some sort of Trading Post feature that people could use to search for other people who are looking for specific kinds of teas to trade. It could have a feature that lets you look for people in your country, to save on shipping costs.

Also, thanks for the new tea house feature! It’s really great, and I appreciate all the work that goes into making Steepster a great little community.

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