Hey There! I'm NEW!

Hey tea people of the internet!
I am new to to Steepster but not very new to Chinese tea although IF you have ANY recommendations of white tea, green tea, oolongs or puerh ( basically anything ;P) I am much more then happy to receive your thought! Oh btw: have I told you that I’m 14 years old! Oh yeah that’s right! Haha I am probhably not the youngest youngster on this site but okay, pretty young :) so if any other tea enthusiasts ( mainly from Europe, I would love to talk to you and get recommendations of tea and maybe do a tea swap eventually!

I already am going to load you with a question :) and no need to be morosed! It’s not a difficult one to answer! Q: if I were to have a tea swap! Is it allowed or appreciated if I send a “factorised” blue lable Tieguanyin??? I have tons an I live to drink it, fresh and blue lable!( It’s basically in a little packet ) I love that tea so I hope to hear from you if the chinese/asian tea society appreciates that or not!

Best regards! A 14-y/o tea enthusiast!
p.s/ I am also on instagram, so you can contact me there on one of my photos: loekietoekie
p.p.s/ i loooove dogs :)

24 Replies

and I love to drink it *

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Wow, you are so young!! Its inspiring to stumble on someone your age who drinks real tea. bows.

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boychik said

Hi Luca! Welcome to Steepster. You will get ton of advice , all good. It’s a pleasure to see young tea enthusiast !!!

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AnnaEA select said

Welcome aboard.

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thank y’all, once again: all advice and help ia appreciated, and I’d loooooooooooooove some recommendations :) haha and yes indeed http://steepster.com/thefinestbrew real tea :P

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the only downside to being a 14 y/o tea enthusiast: i don’t have a job which results into not alot of money haha XD so i won’t be able to buy lots of cakes hehe :)

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OMara said

Hi! I’m a junior. I totally understand the no money problem. I’m in the same boat, as I have no time to work…too much school. Welcome to Steepster :)

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hey omara, thanks :) we"ll learn together then i guess :)

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oh and http://steepster.com/OMara do you have teas that you brew in a gaiwan??
if so what’s "your ccuppa tea "

OMara said

I don’t have any teas that I brew in a gaiwan. I don’t currently own a gaiwan, though I hope to someday.

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Get your hands on one :) it’ll change your life :)

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