Jason select said

Maintenance Tonight, 1/21

We’ll be down for a few hours of maintenance tonight, starting in about an hour or so. Stay posted for an update when we get back.

9 Replies

It’s going to be like being locked out of my house. :)

looseTman said


I’ll have my nose pressed to the glass, and be shivering in the cold!

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Tealizzy said

Thanks for the heads-up!

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Jason select said

…and we’re back!

Looks like we’re having some issues with images atm. Looking into it.

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Dexter said

Since the update tonight all the main discussion threads are showing as unread. If I open one and read and go back to the main page, the one I was just in is still showing as unread. It was easier to keep track of what you’ve looked at if they would show…. not sure if this is a glitch or not…
I posted this in the bug thread as well…..
Edit to add – the threads that I’ve posted in are showing as read but anything that I’ve just read aren’t….

Sil select said

Same thing here – though randomly and seemingly without rhyme or reason, some threads WILL show as unread

Mike select said

We’re seeing this issue too. Hope to have a fix in soon!

Uniquity said

Interesting! I have been having seemingly normal use of the boards (for about three hours at least) but I SWEAR I didn’t see this thread or several others until just now.

EDIT: Nope. Just super wonky. A couple of threads show as read, but most are blue even though I’ve read them.

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