Steepster Bug Status Thread

701 Replies

Reported stall

Two reports sent then :D

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ashmanra said
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Kaylee said

Super weird! I just looked and my dashboard is showing a tasting note from seven minutes ago (with time stamp), and I can edit both notes and my own discussion posts. I wonder if the breakdown hit you first!

ashmanra said

It was working on my phone almost right away but tablet had Log In button where YOU should be. Seems to be fixed now.

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ashmanra said

Dashboard seems to be stalled or maybe it is just me. Tasting note has not appeared on dashboard, doesn’t show in recent activity, does come up under Browse.

Strangely, I see other notes newer than yours but I still don’t see yours in my dashboard…

This happened to me once as well, never found out what the reason was.

ashmanra said

I see the newer notes now but mine is still missing from my dashboard.

Maybe try deleting and reposting it?

ashmanra said

That worked!

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After looong time, it seems we’re stuck for once again.

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