Pushed out a couple little bug fixes recently. Updating the list now. Also removing some of the items that have been marked as “resolved” for a little while now.
One thing to note, if you’re unable to comment or post in the discussion section, it might be because you have a URL with invalid formatting in your account bio section. Delete the link or change it to correct formatting (including the full “http://”) to restore the ability to comment.
Can anyone let me know if they’re still having issues with the hearts/likes not staying active once you’ve clicked them?
We also tweaked the search tool for discussions, so it should make it easier when you’re searching for the title of a specific thread. Take a look and let us know if you see any issues.
I think that was a random glitch. Are you still having any issues?
I just now tried to open a new message from WymmTea and received the BLACK screen of DEATH:
Someone forgot to turn off the kettle. Check back later or try one of these: …"
Refreshing & trying again didn’t help. What do you suggest?
This may have been because they changed their account recently…are you still having issues with messages from them?
No, currently everything appears to be OK.
Not too sure if this is where I should post this, but a lot of the time when I try to update my account picture, it turns the picture the wrong way. I’ll upload a vertical shot but it shows up turned counter-clockwise 90 degrees, so the picture is on its side. I’m not sure if I’m the only one that’s had this problem, but it’s been happening a lot lately.
Sorry I missed the notification for this earlier! I haven’t heard that issue before…is it still happening? Does it happen with one photo in particular, or any photos you upload? Just on your profile photo, or teas too? Thanks!
Yeah I’m still having trouble with it. It’s just my account picture that I’ve noticed. Sometimes it’ll upload properly, but other times it doesn’t. I thought it might be just my cell phone pictures, but it’s also my pictures taken with my camera too. I just updated my account picture to show you what it’s been doing. The face in the pic should be up and down, not on the side.
Thanks for that info. I did see how the pic was incorrectly rotated before (it looks correct at the moment). As far as we can tell it is an issue with the image conversion tool we’re using, since all the image adjustments are done by that tool. We’ve submitted a bug report to them, but I can’t say when that might be fixed. Hopefully soon! In the mean time, sorry for the inconvenience.
Yeah it seems to be better now :) Thanks!
For about the last 6 months or so, if someone has previously written a note for a tea, a new tasting note will not show up on the company page.
The new tasting note doesn’t show up at all, or it just takes a while for it to show up? Do you have any links?
Never shows up. Yeah, lemme go find an example for you :-)
That one doesn’t show up here: http://steepster.com/companies/whispering-pines-tea-company because they had posted a review about it in the past.
If someone reviews a tea they haven’t reviewed before, it will show up on that page, but no second tasting notes do.
Thanks! We’ll take a look.
More and more teas’ icons are breaking. The same teas are broken on every computer I use. Changing them in an attempt to reset it does nothing. It used to just be two teas in my cupboard, but recently it’s spread to a bunch of 52tea blends.
Maybe they were linked to the site rather than an upload? Because 52Teas site is totally different post takeover that would result in dead links. Although I haven’t tried uploading a pic in years so I don’t remember the options.
Nevermind. I was just looking up 52Teas and it seems like they all have pics for me? I can’t do anything about it but I am curious. Can you list a couple of the ones that have a broken icon?
I’ve tried finding the correct image, saving it and uploading it from my hard-drive. Occasionally it’ll work, usually it doesn’t. These are the broken ones in my cupboard at the moment:
The funny thing is, the enlarged, blurry background version of the picture still works.
Well, that was a boring experiment. I got the same result. Maybe these details will help Jason et al fix it though!
Thanks for the links! My initial thought is that it could be caused by a recent filpicker update (the tool we use to manage image uploads and conversions) because it looks like the photo is still there (in the background) but the smaller conversions of those images don’t work. But we’ll have to look into it some more.
So far it’s only happening on the one page for me, but when I go to see the page for Chi Whole Leaf’s Yerba Mate blend I’m just getting a giant wall of HTML…
I get that when I try to look at Veck’s profile as well.
Both those pages are working for me…are your connections spotty by any chance?
Well, we’re both Canadian, maybe it’s selective discrimination? :) I have otherwise good connection, no other sites giving issues. This is what it looks like for me:
EDIT: I’m using Chrome Version 43.0.2357.130 m on a Windows computer.
Yea it looks like the CSS isn’t loading. I guess it could be an international thing but don’t know for sure. Maybe there’s something weird on that page that is creating an issue. We’ll have to look into it some more.
I’m getting the same “giant wall of HTML” as Roswell – both on my work computer, home computer, and tablet. I’m also Canadian.
I was joking. It would be interesting if this were a Canadian issue!
I’m using the most updated version of Chrome on Windows 7; I tried looking at the page on Firefox and am still having the same issue.
However I can see Veck’s profile just fine on both.
I can see Veck’s now, but couldn’t before. And now I don’t see the link to the other one that was doing that.
I’m getting the same error as Roswell and Uniquity. I’m using Chrome on Windows 7. However, things get interesting when I use Firefox.
On Firefox, I get the same issue with the Chi Whole Leaf tea page not showing up and seeing a big huge page of code instead. In contrast, BezoomnyChaiVeck’s profile on Firefox does load, but I also get a pop-up message saying “Error: syntax error”.
You’re also in Canada! CONSPIRACY! :)
Just checked, they both give me the same page in Firefox. I’m hesitant to try Exploder.
Same results for both with Internet Explorer (all on the same computer).
I’m not Canadian. I can’t read Chi Whole Leaf pages either. I’m using Chrome.
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