Steepster Bug Status Thread

701 Replies
Ag select said

I only just managed to log in for the first time in several months by using my email to log in, rather than my username. Using my username in the field results in a Error 503 message.

It’s been that way for me for months. I can use the Google login (since the e-mail on my account is the same as my Gmail) but I always get the 503 errors from the normal “login” box. It is the only way I’ve been able to log in since the 503 errors started (which I want to say was a good 4-6 months ago now?)

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I can’t ‘hop around’ on the site. If I log in and go to Discussions, then the site just hangs and then gives me the 503 error if I try to visit any other part of it. Also, trying to load most recent reviews is a real crapshoot. More than half the time when I do attempt it, once again I get the 503 error.

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LuckyMe said

Not sure what’s going on but none of my posts or tasting notes from the past 24 hours are showing.

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Sil select said

Hiccups during the transition sure, but can we get someone to unplug/plug in the site again to get it going?

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Im trying to fill out a bio and profile for myself, and I keep getting an oops error! Id love to introduce myself!

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Cormorants said
Message deleted by author.

I can see the tea info/description – it’s below the “From Our Community” section and is titled “From [Company Name]”.

Cormorants said

Cameron B. – Oh yes, you’re absolutely right; there it is! I must have assumed it would be up at the top with all the other information and I’ve just kept skimming right past it. Thank you for pointing it out!

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Regarding the “Most Drank” view in the cupboard – is it possible to add a secondary sort criteria to it, possibly alphabetical?

With the way it’s currently implemented, the result does not seem to be deterministically ordered, and if I add or remove a tea while I’m paging through it, the order changes for teas that are tied for number of drinks.

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ashmanra said

Kawaii433 is completely unable to access her account here. Any help toward that being fixed would be greatly appreciated, Adagio team! Many thanks for anything you can do to help!

Please take a look at this, Steepster overlords. I miss her! :(

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Did anyone else just have their Notices and Recent Activity buttons stop working?

Also, the “like” icons are now all showing grey even though I’ve already liked the post, and the icon itself now links to:

even though I am logged in.

False alarm, this was just from one rogue tasting note!

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Been having some issues with Steepster acting like I’m not logged in when I am. Not letting me log out to try and fix it. When it does this I can’t comment on anyones feeds, add anything to my cupboard etc. but I can still see the posts by Steepsters I’m following.

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