362 Tasting Notes
Risking the danger of hopeless cultural stereotyping ( pardon aux français pour ce que se suive), wow, french and scents, they really get how to make things smell sublime. Mariage Fréres particularly included in that – I swear I would buy Vert de Provence to wear as perfume and this is another tea I would just buy and wear as perfume. It smells indeed sublime – some sweet green tea underneath, a bit of fruity cherry, and something floral and wonderful. I would call it roses, tea roses (no relation to tea actually) since I do not know what sakura smells like but it would make sense if it was sakura.
A warning, consider that I am in a mood where I do not seem to really love flavoured green teeas and this is of course a flavoured green. Despite that this of course, evidently wonderful. Cherry blossom green tea was one of the first flavoured teas I liked, and it has became ubiquitous companies now seem to have a take on it. The last few blends I have had of it have been quite bad, so much so they left me with a bias that no, I do not like green tea with cherry after all and have been avoiding it ever since. Trust Mariage Fréres to do sakura tea right and remind me how awesome the idea really is.
Brewed up around 80C and for maybe 3 minutes. It was a very very smooth base with a strong note of red fruits (the cherry) and a very strong rose-like floral note. Lovely.
At the time I am drinking this nobody else has rated it on steepster and I am a bad first taster for this. Liquorice! or Anise, or something of that sort. To be fair, a subtle ammount, but I hate stuff with liquorice with a passion.
I made this chai style, simmered in milk with sugar and it was lovely apart from the aniseed. I saved enough for a classic water brew, but poor chai, lovely as it is, it is just not going to me my cup of tea.
A very kind surprise from Mel (meliorate) and I wanted to love it. Real turkish tea! the oh so nicely exotic. But sadly it turned out to be way too much hibiscus for me. Interesting apple flavour, pretty strong and in your face, but the hibiscus was just too much for me.
I found a few, but admittedly it is difficult for dried fruits to stand up on their own! Speaking of turkish tea I got some authentically-turkish apple tea which of course is instant granules ;) and I was served some delicious but really artificial apple green at a kebab restaurant the other day. And a tea shop I got to has a turkish apple tea which seems to be just dried apple – maybe one of those days I will try it!
Hibiscus, it´s just not for me!
I think it was Ysaurella´s review of this a few weeks ago which has made me crave a peach and vanilla black tea. I was at the time ordering Thé-o-Dor teas and her review of Nosy Bey made me choose their Mélange de Galice. So an inevitable comparison from the start!
In the meanwhile Ysaurella oh so kindly got into another tea swap with me and sent me this as well (and oh so many other so fascinating goodies. Thank you so much!). I now got two dreamily-named black teas with vanilla and peach, not just one! And I do love to compare and contrast flavoured teas, how different companies can make such different takes on the same idea.
A warning: there might be a bias by previous acquaintance, that I would always prefer the first one I tried. Theodor ended up the winner but maybe I was biased because I had it first? Dunno.
The teas: Mélange de Galice is a mix of chinese and Sri Lanka black teas with peach and vanilla flavours and some sunflower/marigold petals sprinkled around (for prettiness, I guess). Nosy Bey is a chinese black tea, with vanilla and peach flavors with rose petals and I think tiny sugar cubes? (or is it dried peach?) Both teas smell divine when dry. I think Nosy Bey smells a bit more floral and bit more like orchard peaches, while Mélange de Galice smells a bit more like regular peach and orchard peach mixed together, and has a stronger vanilla scent with no floral notes. Honors even here, both wonderful scents, different but equally lovely.
Nosy Bey brews very much like a chinese BLACK tea. Mélange de Galice has (predictably) a bit more body and is (unexpectedly!) smoother as well, even when brewed at the same 85C that I brew Nosy Bey. I do not understand why a ceylon-chinese blend brews so so smooth while having some body, but there you have it, even at several temperatures it is always smooth and even naturally sweet.
And then, the liquor: and it is here that Mélange de Galice pulls ahead to win me, it just tastes more, a richer, more intense, more layered taste. But Nosy Bey is still pretty lovely on its own. And drinking peach and vanilla tea in December, oh it is so mood lifting!
Ah, sorry I do not know any MGD beer! I was just trying to save some type. Miller is an american brand of beer right?
I think there are no sugar cubes in the tea (this is something the French Tea brands are not really doing) I identified the cubes as dry fruits…but which ones…mystery…
I taste really the wine peaches (pêches de vigne en français dans le texte) in Nosy Bey. Now I am craving to taste Mélange de Galice !
Indigobloom, oh thank you for the explanation!
Ysaurella I think it was fruit as well, at least it did not melt. The roses I could detect a hint from them.
And Mélange de Galice, oh I will save some for you! I am currently afraid of going to the post office before Christmas, but I would love to send you a little bit of Thé du Loup and Mélange de Galice (LOL; with a condition that i would love to read your opinions on it, of course ;)
This was an unexpected arrival, not the mate I wanted. I wanted toasted mate with red fruits, this is green mate with citrus and kola. But I now got 100 grams of it, not going to waste it.
I brewed it according to instructions, 75C for 3 minutes, a generous teaspoon of leaf per cup. And it is really quite nice, tastes of a blend of several citrus fruits with no underlying nasty notes from the mate, just a sort of nice base underneath.
It´s going to take me a few hours to judge properly the caffeine-like effects. And I think this might be very interesting brewed in cold water like tereré-style, except now is winter and cold drinks are not sounding that appealing! But if I still have some of this when summer comes, i got to try it cold brewed!
Goodness, it really sounds like whoever you bought your THE O DORs from got them completely mixed up ): Hope you get the maté you wanted!
Yep, but it was just this one. I wanted Me Faltas and they sent me Lembrança. If they were local…. Though this is not bad actually, at all.
But still will give the seller other options, they got a very interesting tea list, can not resist!
And hardly recognized you :)
No notes yet. Add one?
I liked it a lot indeed – hazelnut, chocolate but not too cloying and still tea you know. If I wanted chocolate I would be drinking it, but tea with chocolate notes is a different thing. I have now shared it with 3 people, one did not like it much (but she is not much of a black tea person I think, so maybe this was a bad choice) but the other two were like me and loved it. I will write something one of these days when i have it a couple more times. I am drinking it right now, actualkly! It´s a sunday afternoon type of tea.
The dangers of buying loose tea by the weight. I ordered this, which is supposed to be black erva-mate with red fruits and supposed to look like this
The non-local tea shop, whose existence and selection of teas I very much appreciate wrote Me Faltes ( I suspect some subconscious grammar correction, thinking that brazillians would not use the second person of the singular, LOL) on the package and they seem to have packed me this
I need a small rant: IDIOTS! Oh well, I can not go there for them to fix it since it´s not a local shop, and Lembrança was on my wishlist for one day anyway. But sniff, I wanted this. Fazes-me falta, Me Faltas.
It is on another city 300 kms away and a friend got it for me and it would be too much bother than what is worth! Plus there is something ironically funny about a tea called Me Faltas (meaning I miss you, am missing you) going missing. I am keeping it anyway since it is not awful, the same price anyway and was something on my to check one day list. And it is pretty nice, maybe nicest smoothest mate I have had yet.
Geographical relativism is a bitch. I think my mental image, associations of Galicia, the region are pretty different than from a Parisian´s associations. For me it´s “up north”, “lá para cima”, morrinha and fog, cold summers, even colder waters than Moledo beach (brrrr), great shellfish, almond tarts, stone buildings and rias. That vibe for me is definitely northern and very atlantic. I would not associate it with peaches and vanilla nor with the sin of laziness exactly ((Thé-o-Dor associates most of their teas, whether black, green, infusion or unflavoured origins tea with a particular sin or quality. This is Laziness tea.) But I love Galicia, I was in the mood for a peach black tea, so hence the purchase.
I brewed this “wrong” and it turned out to be perfect after all. I accidentally dumped barely warm water on the tea pot already filled with a generous amount of dry leaf. Instead of trashing it at once I decided to see if it would be rescued and filled the rest of the pot with free boiling water and let it steep longer. By my calculations the water must have been 70-75 C at most, and I must have left it at least 6 minutes. It was a happy accident, I think it brew perfectly! Only quibble is that it cooled rapidly, the last of the tea was colder than I would prefer.
And this is just as advertised: real exhuberant peach flavour, with noticeable vanilla with an almondy, nutty quality underneath which I associate with Bourbon Vanilla in particular, and with just the right amount of body. The loose tea is filled with yellow petals, I don´t know if sunflowers or marigolds, can not really detect any influence from their presence. As the tea cools there is a strange change in flavour, it´s the Bourbon vanilla which is predominant, and the peach becames just the supporting role.
This is a great tea to be drinking in winter while wishing for summer! I will play around with different temperatures for it.
I never exceed 80°C for this blend and leave it steep for 4 max.
Well as a French I prefer hearing we are good at making perfumes rather than we are moaning all the time or arrogant :)
I am happy you liked it (even if you’re not in love with)
I am not sure i am able to be in love with a flavoured green right now. Or a new green tea, I seem to have an exception for a couple of my staple green teas. Dunno, just my mood I guess – OTOH I think I have finally fallen in love with white tea and am learning to love oolongs, so not all bad.
This reminded me so much of Vert de Provence, maybe a similar base, the sublime perfume blends.
Oh and did you notice with sakura that as the tea cools it becames more and more floral? Just out of steeping you get the fruit oh so strong. But I was sipping from my cup and it was cooling noticeably (December, sigh. And in Portugal central heating is for wimps, or hotels or hospitals), as it cooled the flowers became more and more dominant. So interesting!
I sipped this one so quickly I never had a chance to wait to try it cooler !
But you know I visited Lisbon in december…12°c…it wasn’t cold for a froggie ! today we had -3°C in the early morning in Paris ;)
Yesterday has been pretty warm, and I think it is going to be warm indeed for the next week or so, say 10 to 16 usually. But when temperatures are around 4 or 5 and it´s very foggy and humid from the atlantic I would take your paris -3 in an instant. Specially with non heated houses and the damp gets to the cold! The russians and ukrainians complain often of the cold which is sort of funny poor things (non heated houses are just different) and the old joke is that portuguese emmigrants to France and Switzerland and so on do not come to Portugal in Christmas break because it is too cold, LOL.