362 Tasting Notes
Spring, after taking its own sweet long time to arrive, decided to pretend to leave after all. It´s cold and windy, very disappointing. But it´s making me turn to my tea corner and drink and sampling those samples I was saving, as a treat and a way to cheer up.
Mandalay was another sample so kindly sent by Ysaurella. I had been so intrigued by her references to it. And this is just not what I was expecting. I was expecting a chai, and while this is spicy, it´s a totally different type of tea.
I had today just tried a perfume (mother´s day is coming. everybody wants you to try perfume, you can not walk on the street past perfume shops without being offered a sniff). It was a woody spicy ladies´ perfume, with a cedar base and flowers, patchouli maybe. And in my mind this tea is irresistibly linked to that perfume – a sort of “dry” floral with woody overtones. In the perfume it was cedar, here it is the spices, cinnamon (which I guess is woody as well) and others (cloves? cardamom?) and then a bit of rose indeed, but the mix of roses and cinnamon tastes melded somehow into something woody rather than separate. A very interesting taste.
I do not have a lot of experience with Pu´er – and the plain ones I have had were sort of awful to my palate. The flavoured ones I have found easier to drink, but keep in mind, I have very little experience with pu´er teas.
This was kindly sent in a swap with Ysaurella and she had not tried it yet when she sent it to me, so no brewing tips. The Cannon website seems totally useless for anything (and flash should die….) so I have been experimenting with this. My problem with it is trying to make it strong, or better said intense enough.
My first experiment with water round 80-85 and my usual ammount of black tea resulted in a mellow earthy sort of cup, but a definitely too weak one – very intense color and a sort of thick texture to the liquor (there has to be a word for it, but totally escapes me), and a nice mellow yeasty almost type of flavour, with some vague vanilla and peach-mango hints, but very watery somehow. I amped up the temperature to 95 degrees, and steeping time to 4 or 5 degrees and used 50% more leaf than I would think to use and it was much better. A nice cup of tea. But still not particularly fruity. And my brain finds the different tea-ness of pu-er baffling.
Hah, just said something exactly like that about puehr to Stacy of Butiki Teas about teas I might be interested in sampling. She seems determined to make a convert out of me. Thick texture and yeasty flavour isn’t making it sound like an easier job though.
you know…I haven’t tasted it yet !!! I bought it because of its name (I know…I am crazy)and because I wanted to taste a Pu’erh (due to fantastic reviews done by Bonnie, The tea Fairy and Tommy the toad about pu’erh) and wanted to try something flavoured first because…I am afraid of Pu’erh !!! you know what, because you had it today, I’ll try it tonight…mais j’ai un peu peur quand même…
this website (Cannon related mentions to steep it 5 min at 90°c)
nicer with the link :)
Hallie, it is not very thick texture nor particularly yeasty, it was just me trying to find a metaphor. It´s like a dark ale sort of , as compared to lager sort of think.
It is very interesting and for some reason, it´s deeper, more earthy. It´s still a bit strange to my palate, but I can not help comparing it a bit to rooibos which so many people seem to dislike ;) but which I so love…
A word of warning, I have only had cheap plain pu-ers which have been awful, and a couple flavoured decent-at-least quality ones which have been very nice indeed. I suspect it´s not worth it to spend money on the cheap ones!
Ysaurella, thank you and for this as well. 5 minutes and 90 seems indeed a good idea – and I think also add a little bit more than you would have added if it was a plain black!
I am not going to rate this yet, because I am not quite sure what i think of it. My second time having it and not only my feelings changed from the first experiment, but my feelings are changing as I drink the cup.
First, the scent – this has an extraordinary scent, a rich, sultry vanilla scent, totally different from cloying one-note artificial vanilla scents and a scent which reminds you that why yes, vanilla is a flower, an orchid (ok, yellow orchid which then creates a black pod, and yes, it´s the seed pod, but still vanilla is floral). Sultry vanilla caramel, that is it. This went on my wishlist the moment I smelled it. Right now I was in the mood for a vanilla tea, and I went on a walk which accidentally took me past the tea shop and well, it came home…
Expectations are funny things which get in the way of appreciating what we get instead. This tea is not truthful to the scent. It´s much more sedate, much less exuberant, maybe classier than its scent. No caramel after all. So I was underwhelmed at first, since it was so very different from what I expected from its scent. But if what I was expecting this as a lightly naturally flavored vanilla tea then well this is indeed lovely. It´s got an incredibly smooth base (thank you Mariage Frères, for not using the same base for *everything) which I think has some, but not a lot, of Assam on it. And a lovely aftertaste. I am getting to like this more each time I have it, I will make another taste note after I have it a few more times.
Angrboda, not sure this will be your vanilla tea indeed, but if you ever want to try it, let me know!
I’ve actually got that one on my list (along with a great many other things) for whenever I get around to making an MF order. Probably soon, I think. I’m feeling inspired to try shopping somewhere I’ve never shopped before. I can’t remember ever having had something with orchid before, but I’m not certain. I would not be opposed to a swap.
This is a very interesting vanilla tea, though not sure if it will be what you want. It´s a natural, background like sort of vanilla. And the orchid is just vanilla, vanilla is the orchid of this title – LOL the orchid pod, but I think they do not add blossoms or anything. Black orchid = vanilla.
In Turkey they use a flavoring made from orchids called salep, though I think they use the roots (like iris roots) and it is has this light floral (even if it is from the roots!) flavour, it´s lovely! Salep would make for a very interesting flavoured tea.
I would love a small swap!
Oh, of course! I forgot vanilla is an orchid plant. That makes sense. :)
I’m afraid I don’t have an awful lot to choose from, but have a look if there’s anything you would like. Otherwise, I’ll just make something up. :)
Now it´s getting hot I have been trying different ways to brew this up. This taste note is a DO NOT DO AS I JUST DID warning.
I liked this brewed hot. I wanted to try a cold brew, which I just did – 4 grams of tea (which is a lot of volume, I weighted it and surprised myself at how much it was), half a liter of cold water left in the fridge overnight and then strained. And it turns out: bitter. Either it was much too long or too much tea.
I get some citrus yes, but I get an acrid bitterness mostly which is not pleasant. I did not use sweetener and not sure it would have improved it anyway, it´s not tartness which often can be rescued and improved by sugar, it was a different type of bitterness.
Weirdly enough, the older the tea (strained) got the more bitter it seemed to me. Despite that, I did drink almost all of it – I wanted to test if it was really that bitter and try to figure out where I went wrong. And as an energizer it did its usual work! A different type of wake me up than coffee or tea, a smoother one IMO.
Happy story with this tea, it´s now ubiquituous and easy to find (Continente, 3.95€ and the tins are reusable). Cheap thrill yay. I am now on my third tin. But a warning this tea is ONLY ANY GOOD ICED!
Hot, it´s too much hibiscus with too strong a fruit flavour. But if I make it very strong, add lots of sweetener or sugar and cool it, I love it.
My recipe right now, is with digital scales add 12 to 15 grams of the tea to a teapot. Add 1 liter of boiling water and let it stand a couple hours or overnight. I usually add a lot of sweetener and sugar to this, maybe 8 teaspoons or even more – I usually never have sweetener or sugar with hot tea but this really is much better with sweet to balance the tartness. Chill it very well and it´s awesome. Even if it does have hibiscus.
Having another test of this. I am now expecting the hibiscus on it, but even so, it still overpowers me. There is the tartness, the acidity, and it seems to spread all over other flavours without being balanced by anything else. Maybe there is a peach and berry underneath it all, maybe there is rooibos (rhetorical, there is rooibos evidently on the mix) but the hibiscus just takes over.I am not a good person to rate this, hibiscus really is not my thing.
LaFleurBleue kindly sent me some of this in a swap and she sent some great detailed instructions. Which I misplaced (so sorry, lafleurbleue, I appreciate very much the effort just the same) and then kept postponing trying this in case I got this wrong – it´s my first formosa high mountain oolong, did not want to screw it up. And having found finally the entry for this tea after making it, I did indeed screw up the process but it does not matter because it forgave me and keeps forgiving me.
I used maybe water at 70 -75 for 2 or 3 minutes for the first brew, and then a bit hotter water also for about 2 minutes for the next ones. Which is not as I should have done and will try the brewing instructions next time now I found them. The first brew I got some astringency, but not an unpleasant astringency at all. The next brews are fantastic IMO, a very clear liquor, a very light pure kind of taste but magically invigorating and a herbal type of taste which is just lovely. I am going to keep steeping these leaves – which btw is sort of magic, such tiny tiny little compact balls of green slowly unfurling (only at 3rd steep are they really open) to huge leaves and branches. Magical. If you get the chance brew this in a clear container to enjoy the unfurling.
Glad you liked it. It’s indeed a very forgiving tea – I never got a bad cup from it, even when I forgot it way way too long in the steeper on my desk (like 10 or even 20 mn…). Agreed you have to wait until the 3rd steep or sometimes 4th to see the leaves totally unfurled.
I did love it! Still got most of it saved up – it really goes a long way. I can not stop getting amazed always at how such small small spheres expand to such large leaves.
oh, wow, this is maybe the fruitiest green tea I ever had. It smells amazing though I worried it might be “too much”, like those scented pens or stationery when I was a kid. Brewed up it smells slightly different and at first sip it´s not cloying, but a very strong taste of peaches and melon.
I had to go check on the Theodor website what were the notes of this – the peach and melon are obvious and far stronger than everything else, though I think in retrospect there is a hint of the passion fruit. The website specifies it is vine peach which vindicates my nose, I did think it was vine peach. The melon is the dominant note here, though interestingly it seems to spread, move to the forefront as it cools – when I poured the hot water the peach was more obvious and also more present at first sip, then it started to get more in the background with each cooler sip. It´s still there on the last lukewarm sips but just as a background.
This is just lovely. I think this would make an excellent (though probably quite expensive) ice tea. And it´s very summery as well, a great tea to have, hot or cold, on a warm day (is spring finally here? cross fingers!). While Mélange de Galice, another peach Theodor tea, was a sort of summer dreaming tea to have in the darkest of winter, Pêché Mignon is a summery tea to have when summer is coming – or maybe that is just me being fancy.
This is going on the to-buy list for sure, though in practical terms, it might not happen anytime soon.
PS – second steep, using a little hotter water, a bit less water and a slightly longer steep also good. But less intense melon and more noticeable peach. Not sure peach is stronger actually, I think it is just that by the melon being more toned down you notice the vine peach more.
I’ve seen vine tomatoes (bought them yesterday, in fact!) but vine peach? I’m very impressed at your nose anyway! :)
where do you buy your Theodor teas in Portugal Teresa ?
I am planning to go to their shop on next month, if you want I’ll let you now what I want to buy.
Hallie, for me peach is large and yellow, and vigne peach is peach as well (not like nectarines which is a different thing) but smaller, softer and more scented and red. I think it is a very french thing to divide peche, peche de vigne (and nectarines) but it is somewhat related to the peaches we grow here, pessego, pessego de roer (peach) and nectarine. It smells different, it does, really, though i can not explain it well – vine peach or peche de vigne smells more and smells wilder though I will confess that m,y favorite variety of peach to eat has not too strong a smell but is the big yellow (rather than white) peach.
Ysaurella, I bought afew Theodor teas in a Lisbon shop which sadly closed in December, but there is a shop in Porto which sells Theodor (though they do not divide by blender brand, whichI kind of respect though it is not helpful. I do hate their diving tea by “origin” which is not sensible at all IMO) http://www.rotadocha.pt/ I have ordered from them before and am planning to order again soon, if only I can decide what i want more!
And if you go their shop, smell everything before choosing! I have been completely seduced by so many of their blends just because of the smell, it´s so well blended – I have not been disappointed with the smells versus the taste!
That does it – I’m going to have to find a way to get to Portugal (during peach season, now)! This is fascinating, thanks for explaining for me!
Ah, but Hallie, peach season is cherry season as well, and nice as peaches are, oh cherries, cherries are the best – you get vans coming down from the cherry regions selling literally “psst, want a box of cherries” our of the back of vans, and those cherries were probably picked 2 days ago and are just sublime. Peaches are nice, but cherry season http://www.flickr.com/photos/cteresa/7164100153/
I just — no, am speechless. That is glorious. We get strawberries sold locally, and they’re very good strawberries, but it’s not cherries. I am DEFINITELY going to have to visit. In June, right?
Soooo, lotus.
I have never (or not yet) had plain lotus tea. I have seen it for sale, plain lotus on chinese grocery stores, but never quite dared (most of tea in the local chinese grocery stores seems to be intentionally medicinal and/or for slimming and taste even worse than you would expect. Very dangerous places to buy tea if you are not totally sure what you are doing).
I think I am learning what lotus brings as a flavoring by comparing mentally teas that I have had which have had lotus as a flavoring (this, elixir d´amour), though not sure that is leading to the right image. Sultry and floral maybe.
Barbara and I have been swapping teas and since we are both fans of Theodor teas, we have been sharing a lot of our Theodor purchases. This is an interesting blend she sent me, one which I have been half eyeing towards purchase. Green tea with fig, and named saigon, ah, tempting (though admittedly just about everything from Theodor sounds tempting). Barbara has warned me about being careful when brewing this. I got to test with the rest of the sample, but I think I followed close enough. The result was lovely but I think I am probably not a lotus person (if I can figure out what lotus is). The fig was maybe in the background a dried fig like flavour and it was mostly a sultry floral-type. I could not detect the lemon. The tea base was lovely and not bitter.
Not rating this right now, since I want to try brewing this a couple more times to figure out if I am really brewing this right. And what lotus is supposedly to smell like!
Having this again and this is just not for me. It sounded so very much like my thing I would have ordered it sooner or later. But it´s just too much, too strong, too floral. Like a lychee-geranium smell and sadly it´s just not my cup of tea.
So finally found a Mariage Freres rooibos I did not love, took me a while!
it seems you liked it so I’m happy :)
yes you’re right this is a woody taste and it comes from cinnamon.I didn’t have the impression to describe a chaï in my note, did I ? I am not very good at chaï as I didn’t had many so I may have described it without knowing :)
I really love this tea because this is an absolute incredible meeting of spices and rose…and I’m a sucker for rose teas and spices teas !
I think there is something from the cinnamon plus rose which calls to mind at once woodsy perfume to me – even that cedar based perfume I tried myself.
I think it was not at all your fault I expected a chai, I think it must have been from overbrowsing the MF site or something. Tea with spices =/= chai or not always! Chai can be so abrangent, but this, to my mind, most definetely is not.But woodsy indeed…