This not strictly green tea. It is honeybush (normal I guess. I do not know if there is such a thing as green honeybush) with green rooibos and supposedly some mint flavouring. I say supposedly because I did not notice it – maybe my package is too old and mint too volatile, or maybe I brew it too long (it´s rooibos. It stays there till I am ready to drink it).
To me it tastes mostly like plain green rooibos – the first rooibos I ever had was green rooibos and I am quite partial. It is a totally different taste (and infusion colour) than normal red rooibos. Its taste is more herbal, “greener”, a bit more like green tea or linden or camomile or a mix of all of those. Not bitter at all. I like this a lot and might rebuy – though I am looking as well for good quality plain green rooibos as well, and good quality plain honeybush.
Since I’m a rooibos rookie, I’ve never had rooibos with mint. Usually the varieties have fruity pairings instead. This sounds interesting!
to be honest the mint is just not there for my tastebuds at least. reading the ingredients it´s not even real mint, but mint flavouring. I do not notice it particularly, though it might enhance te flavour. Dunno. It tastes mostly of green rooibos which I like. I might try to make a different kind of infusion though, if I get my hands on good plain green rooibos, maybe mix it with mint or verbena, I think it would really nice!
Since I’m a rooibos rookie, I’ve never had rooibos with mint. Usually the varieties have fruity pairings instead. This sounds interesting!
to be honest the mint is just not there for my tastebuds at least. reading the ingredients it´s not even real mint, but mint flavouring. I do not notice it particularly, though it might enhance te flavour. Dunno. It tastes mostly of green rooibos which I like. I might try to make a different kind of infusion though, if I get my hands on good plain green rooibos, maybe mix it with mint or verbena, I think it would really nice!