My first Thé o Dor tea – and when I got more time I must write about my prejudices with that brand ( 20 euros for a fruit infusion tin! Site with music! the preciousness, particularly the preciousness of not getting a description of the tea on its main page but a wordy totally random bit of prose with does NOT put me in the mood to order anything but instead dream of too much preciousness being considered a criminal offense!).
But had a chance to buy some of their teas by the weight and was dazzled by the scents – wonderfully tempting scents and prices were much more reasonable to try something – prices depended on tea, this was a bit over 7 euros for 100 grams which is on the higher end cost but not too shocking. They sold a minimum of 100 grams, so I had to ruthlessly stick to just one rooibos though all their loose leaf teas smelled divine.
I think I brew this slightly too cold and while it turned out a bit weaker than I usually like (mea culpa), it was still exquisite. It´s a red fruits (strawberry for sure, maybe some raspberry as well) with sugared almonds rooibos. The sugared almonds taste totally different than i would expect – nothing like bitter almonds (like Amaretto, or Pleine Lune), nothing like either normal “Jordan” almonds, nothing like toasted almonds, instead a sweet taste of raw almond nut (no inner skin taste!) except even better. Truly unusual and melding wonderfully with the red fruits and the rooibos base. The rooibos itself was noticeable, wonderfully woody and with a sort of caramel note some rooibos has. Exquisite blend (though do not follow my preparation details, I got to tweak how I brew this!)