Yunnan Sourcing
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Last week I went on the Yunnan Sourcing website. I’ve been haunting that site for awhile, reading about the various Puerhs they offer, but on this particular evening I was looking for something interesting to share with the ‘Babes’ (BBBB). Since we’re all lovers of the dark side, we’ve more or less committed our box to mostly unflavored black teas, along with some puerh, so I had been checking out their black tea offerings, & I knew which ones I wanted. I started filling out my shopping cart, of course I was only gonna get 2 teas, but then I saw this. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a Jin Jun Mei, & what can I say? Rich malty goodness, a little sweet, a little peppery. Anyone who has read my post over the last 2 days knows that I went a little overboard in the ordering department, but all the teas I ordered sounded SO GOOD, and they ARE! I still have 2 sheng samples to try out, but I’ve been pleased with my order, AND it didn’t break the bank either!
So now I have enough tea to share with my Black Box Buddies for the next couple of months!
Did you order from the US site? I think they’re based out of Portland. I wonder if I could just “pop-in” on them. They have a lot of teas I want to try. I should check it out… And I’m just discovering my love of Jin jun mei.
My new friend Scott sent me a sample of this with my order. I drank many many steepings all evening. Before I started I was pretty drowsy, but that changed nicely. The dry aroma was so soothing, the tea itself was so restorative. I used to prefer Shu over sheng, but now I love them both.
Thank you Scott!
Me too on preferring shu over sheng…but I must admit that I still am suspicious. Sheng can sneak up and pop your tastebuds with a shy dry smoke in an acrid assault. (Granted some less than stellar shu can be too sour or flat if I’m being fair and honest)
I know what you mean Bonnie, & my early Sheng experiences were not particularly favorable, most likely because I used too much leaf and/or steeped it too long. When I get a new sheng now I smell it, & if the smell is very raw/sharp, I start with 2 G. This one had a lovely fresh aroma, so I went with 3G. I also started with very short steepings (after the rinse). The first round of 3 steeps was 4/6/8. The next round 10/12/14, etc.
I kept adding 2 sec until I got to 30.
Anyway, this was a very nice Sheng, especially considering how fresh it is! Hopefully next time I can be more descriptive, but the main thing that came to mind was ‘restorative’. And it was!
Always a pleasure to unwrap this brick. Heavily compressed, rough cut; black as coal, but still an elegant taste. Dehong tea factory, definitely, knows how to make a good Pu Erh.
This is one of those teas where the first couple of sips don’t seem like much, but every subsequent sip adds a layer of flavor & texture, until your mouth is thick with roasted barley, molasses, & chocolate. It’s awesome & it’s delicious. It’s like LB, only without the beans taste. I love it.
I keep saying that I will send you some – and I will, once the holidays are over and my life gets back to normal – Sil package will be on it’s way :))
haha i have a small box with your name on it at my place dex…but i wanted to know if your cupboard was up to date…i have a few YS teas that i’ll include if you don’t have them…in single cup samples just so you get to try more :)
Thank you – my cupboard is up to date for “regular companies” including YS. I have some Ebay/Aliexpress stuff that’s not entered (Steepster was being nasty about entering teas into database so I gave up) and some from that guy I know. What I’m trying to say is that I have some for you that I’m pretty sure you haven’t tried…. :))
Still delicious! (see previous reviews if you’re looking for one)
This morning this tea came with me into the city to the school, where I visited with the awesome new principal, & I got to select my classroom: I actually get a real classroom! Previously, it was a closet & we had to drag the harps out onto the stage to practice), & my classroom has windows! I never had those before! And shelves, & everything (such as electrical outlet for teapot…).
So it looks like I’m actually really doing this! I’ve been self-employed, living the pajama lifestyle, for years, so it will take some adjustment, but it’s only Mon, Wed, & Fri, and I’m actually kind of excited.
Tomorrow I have to go to a meeting, Friday I get to set up my classroom (I’ve never actually done that before).
Monday school starts!
Why the HELL does Steepser eat my letters? Why? Terri – I am glad – GLAD – that you are more excited about this now.
thanks! When I taught there before there were some really fun times, & I’m really hoping the new principal helps to take this school back to what it used to be, because it used to be a great program.
I woke up early & immediately started getting ready for my trip. Last night I stayed up & started 2 crocks of cultured cucumbers (think “awesome garlic dills, the old sour kind”), & a crock of cultured dilly beans (same recipe, using green beans instead of cucumbers).
Today I have a lot to do, & so far I’ve lined up my clothes for packing, watered all of the houseplants, & enjoyed 2 steepings of this tea! It’s time to get back to work, & to pick out another tea to drink :)
I love lacto-fermented pickles and kraut :)
I’m so sad, most of our cucumber harvest this year has been super bitter! Jerks!!!
Have a good trip!
I want the beans recipe! it never occurred to me and I have a fair amount of beans (the ducks eat some but I got the rest) no cucumbers I think the rabbits ate those.
First you need some kind of crock or jar. I use this one, which I like because is glass, so I can see what’s going on in there, & it holds a lot, & it’s reasonably priced, & it lets the air bubbles out, but no bugs or bad stuff can get in because there is a water lock:
You can use a large mouthed Qt or gallon jar, if you can find a smaller jar that fits in the opening, which you would fill partially with water to hold the green beans beneath the surface. Another way to hold the beans down is with a ziplock baggie, filled with salt water & laid in the jar on top of the veggies.
So you’re going to fill your jar with green beans. You can cut them up, or leave them whole. Layered in with the green beans (preferably a tender variety) you can include any of the following:
- fresh dill seed heads and/or fronds, OR dried dill leaf or seed – I don’t really have a quantity, LOL, I just layer in seed heads from my garden.
- 2 to 3 or more heads of garlic, separated into cloves & peeled. These will be delicious!
- chili flakes if you like, peppercorns, or any other flavorings you’d like to try. You can make it asian by going with strips of ginger, small chili peppers, etc, or you can give it any flair you like: Italian, Mexican, Indian. Just include some of the spices from the region you like. Any herbs & spices can be included, as long as they don’t contain preservatives, :p
Once your crock or Jar is within a couple of inches of the top, mix up your brine.
Start with a QT/liter of water & dissolve in 3 Tb of seasalt (make sure there is no iodine or anti caking agents in it). Or if you think you’ll need more water, go with
2 liters + 6Tb salt. If you use kosher salt, you’ll need 1.5 Tb instead of 1TB.
Make sure the veggies are submerged completely!
Leave it on the counter for a month or so, checking the water level from time to time, to keep the veggies beneath the surface. Sample as desired until they taste perfect, then jar them up & put them in the frig, to enjoy as desired!
God, this stuff is good! It’s not the smokey lapsang type, but just a super rich dark chocolate thick mouthed roasty cup of YUM!
I made a cup this morning to drink en route to the wedding. Now I’m having a second cup before heading out into the garden for an hour. It’s such a beautiful day in this neighborhood!
I’m also drinking it to make Sil jeolous ;)
I was about to save it to my wish list, when I discovered that I had already done that after your first review of this tea :)
Time to rehash my day, through tea :)
This was the gong fu cha of the morning. The black leaves are small & tightly twisted, with an aroma of chocolate.
5G + 4oz (rinse) X 15/30/45 sec
This first round of 3 steeps featured roasted grain, sorghum molasses, & a quickly building satisfying mouth of hot cocoa, with an unbelievably creamy texture.
In the 2nd round of steepings the flavors began to fade, until I was left with sweet wood & a slight lingering incense feel.
A perfect start to my day :)
Yup, I love this tea!
It’s amazing how so many different teas can taste like chocolate, but not taste like each other, right? To be honest, I believe I’ve decided this tea is going to be the official replacement for Anxi Fo Shou, of which I only have enough to drink 2 more times. I think one of those 2 times will have to be a side by side comparison, maybe. The other one will be some special occasion, like maybe ground breaking day in my garden, or a celebration of the sprouting of the first seeds that I plant. Or maybe a day when I just need to pamper myself. Meanwhile, I’m feeling a little better about running out of THAT tea, because I have THIS tea, & I think I will have to add it to the list of Hoard-worthy teas, because it really is THAT good. It really is like German Chocolate Cake. And don’t let the name fool you, because although it is roasty, it is NOT smokey, at all.
Now I have to get ready to go play that gig.
I enjoyed this tea earlier in the afternoon. It kind of reminds me of Laoshan Black, only less sweet & more dark chocolaty. It is delicious!
I did not need to know that Yunnan Sourcing has good black teas. I’ve really only looked at their pu’erh. I am so not allowed on their site…..
TB: the B box is on it’s way to you with some tasty teas from Yunnan Sourcing. The next couple of rounds will be from them :)
Dex: yeah, I’m not allowed on their either! Don’t tell Ms Theresa, but little terri & I placed another order there this weekend, lol. They have some really fine black teas! Let me know if you want samples :)
Thanks Terri, but my other side is freaking about how much my cupboard just exploded. I need to get a grip on this situation. I placed 7 orders last month, a TTB, and 4 swaps, and there is still a growing list of teas/companies I HAVE to try. Ugggg. I need to drink what I have.
Love how little terri and you out vote Ms. Theresa. I think I need to find a third. LOL there are just two of us arguing….
Truth be told, I placed 3 orders over the weekend: Taiwan tea crafts, yunnan sourcing, & verdant (had to have the new big red robe, ya know?). Now I’m suppose to be on Hiatus, but it’s so hard…lol
Ya I know…. Taiwan Tea Crafts is the big one calling my name right now. Not doing it. They will still be there next month – at least that’s what I have to keep telling myself.
This is why I love our little bbbb. I get a sampling of teas from places I really want to try so I don’t have to buy ALL the tea right away :-)
I just got home from playing a wedding in the Lobby of the Fabulous Fox Theater! I love the Fox, it’s been years since I played there, but 2 of the guys from the stage crew remembered me! That was really nice!
Anyway, what better to come home to than a steaming hot cup of tea, right? I’ve been working my way through the box from Yunnan Sourcing, & this one is next. I think my favorite selection (so far) is the Wild Tree Purple Varietal Black tea of Dehong. Of course, I’ve only drank it once, and I have enough to sample it several different ways, along with the other teas I purchased. And speaking of black teas, I just noticed Yunnan Sourcing has all of their black teas on sale until sept 12. The promocode is black10 (how’s that for enabling?).
Anyway, this tea is nice too! There is a nice dark chocolate depth to it, an earthy sweetness, a sweet roastiness, & a satisfying mouth that reminds me of a really awesome 97% gourmet cacao, kind of thick, & almost a powdery feel too.
I put off ordering from Yunnan Sourcing for a long time, but I’m very pleased with everything they sent to me (still have a few other things to sample), & I think Scott & I will be great friends! ;)
I took my sons Drew & Leif out to breakfast, as a prelude to a day of prepping the front porch for paint. I made a large go cup of this tea to bring along, because the tea they offer at the breakfast joint is…well, it’s just not what I wanted :)
I have yet to meet a tea from the Wu Liang Mntns that I don’t like, & this one is especially nice, with a sweet chocolate richness, a hint of coriander, & a little floral in there too. A nice start to my day.
No new notes about this, but I am enjoying it. It’s a nice smooth cup, zero astringency. The sun is out, it’s in the 60’s, & trees are starting to bloom. I hate having allergies. I need to start drinking my Nettles again.
Sadly, I’ve had a weird bitter taste in my mouth all day. Bitter & with a lemony mouthfeel. It has pretty much ruined the taste of all the teas I drank, or at least made them bitter. This one included, which is too bad, because I enjoyed this one yesterday.
This is the first of 2 bubble bath teas…
“Shhhh, little Terri, don’t tell everybody we’re in the bath tub!”
“Why not? It’s not like they can see us!”
“Yeah, but it might creep somebody out!”
(Harrumph) “Not my problem”
Yes, we are going to lay here with our iPad & soak, drinking delicious tea, including this one. And post about it.
“So there!”
Another tea, enjoyed while watering the garden this morning. There is a black swallowtail that has been hanging around my garden a lot lately. Earlier in the summer there were swallowtail caterpillers on the parsley & Parsnips, which some people would be unhappy about, but for me it is a thrill, because I know that caterpillars result in beautiful butterflies!
This is a tasty tea, with a chocolate mouthfeel, & a sweet fruity kind of taste. I went with 1 Tbls in my mug for 3 mins, resteep @ 5mins. Both were delicious, but I’d also like to try a longer single steep, & maybe a gongfu session too.
Another tea from my new friend Scott @ Yunnan Sourcing, this tea is delicious! It is rich & sweet, with essence of chocolate, maybe a hint of floral but more in the mouth than taste (as if that makes sense), & a lovely fruitiness. There is also that bit of honeyed coriander, telling me that the tea leafhoppers probably paid a visit, and that’s a good thing!
Oh, missed this one. Wu liang mountain produces very nice tea. Try the high mountain oolong sometime :) Just as good as any alishan iv´e tried.
I was wondering about this tea, particularly in comparison with Verdant’s reserve Jin Jun Mei. Is it worth a try?
I haven’t actually compared them, although I enjoyed both of them. My favorite Jin Jun Mai to date was still the Verdant Wild Picked Jin Jun Mai, which is no longer available (at least for now). I have also ordered some of the other Jin Jun Mei’s from the Yunnan Sourcing page, & when they come I’ll have to compare them all, I guess! Or maybe just enjoy each one & not worry about it? Or both! Yeah, both!
Sounds like a great plan :)