Upton Tea Imports

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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Got this one for Christmas. It’s crisp and very slightly brisk without being spicy, and has a full but not overly robust flavor. Classic black tea without a ton of deviation from what I’d expect. It doesn’t seem to be very fussy in how you make it, as long as your steep time isn’t too long – some teas give me results that vary bizarrely, but not Kaimosi. This is one of my favorite black teas.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Beef Jerky!

That is totally what this tea reminds me of in both taste and fragrance. One of my friends describes Lapsang Souchons thusly: “Smells like beef jerky, tastes like tires.” I have to agree with the smell part but you know, I LIKE beef jerky. Quite a lot actually! My favorite is hickory smoked with teriyaki-glazed coming in close second.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

When I saw BEEF JERKY I thought you were playing along with our Song Challenge. YEARS ago I heard a rare B-Side Recording from John & Yoko called Beef Jerky! LOL – It was mostly instrumental and in the middle of the song they were chanting…BEEF JERKYBEEF JERKYBEEF JERKY.

Ironically, I think this is funny because John Lennon was a vegetarian and so am I yet he was singing about it and I got a chuckle out of it! LOL


Is that the one that was wrapped in brown paper? I think we have that somewhere…

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