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I have a serious problem when I go to the big international market. I always end up with tea. I couldn’t believe though, the six pack of these teas was $3! I didn’t know anything about what they were, I just knew teh was tea in Indonesian, and that this was Indonesian. I love Indonesian food and am highly overdue for some, so for now it’s this, which translates to boxed tea!
It’s a jasmine black tea that is highly sweetened. If I had bothered to see how much sugar was in here I so would not have gotten it. It’s clearly the Indonesian version of southern sweet tea. It’s actually too much for me. I love jasmine black but this is seriously disgusting.
It says it’s a 200ml package but it has 50% more so it’s actually 300. So the nutritional facts on the side are only for 200ml for whatever reason and that has 17g of sugar. And 200ml for those of you who don’t do ml is 6.75 oz. So it’s over half an ounce of sugar.
I don’t know what you’re doing Indonesia but y’all probably got some cavities.
You Tube has some really cool videos of guys making Milk Tea in Indonesia! Check them out! :)
Here is one: I think its the same idea.
This particular tea is so sweet I usually drink it to replace snacks during long drives :)