The Rabbit Hole Organic Tea Bar
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Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending me a bit of this tea.
Oh my this is good. I think that this might be the first chocolate mint tisane that I’ve seen that is just cacao nibs and peppermint… most of them are rooibos and/or honeybush blends in addition to the chocolate and peppermint. I like that this is just cacao and mint … the flavors taste stronger, purer and just plain better.
Sweet, creamy chocolate + crisp, cool peppermint. Need I say more?
PS: Check out my foodie blog for a great giveaway from Goodies Co.!
Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me a bit of this tea. I am enjoying it!
This tea tastes best after it’s had a few moments to cool. It gets even better after its completely cooled (as in iced tea!) The berry flavor intensifies as the temperature of the cup drops. When very hot, the berry flavor is really only strongly noticeable in the aftertaste. After cooling a few moments, the berry flavor comes through loud and clear and is indeed a berry BOMB!
But as an iced tea, it really shines. Sweet, berry flavor. I taste each of the flavors – the strawberry, blueberry and raspberry! – and it all tastes amazing. The black tea tastes to me like it is probably a Ceylon, as it is brisk and mellow, not overwhelmingly strong, but strong enough to stand on its own amid the bomb of berries.
Very good. Thanks again, my SororiTea Sister!
Decided to re-visit this one after buying ‘the History of tea’ by the heiss’ today, doing some short multiple steeps. 80oC steeps. Not overly scientific timings, mostly me counting in my head.
1st step 90 seconds – light, sweet. Getting hints of the nectarine as described above. A very pale green colour. Smells soft and sweet, hints of the vegetal taste I got before, but it comes out sweet instead of grassy.
2nd steep 100 seconds – a light green colour again. Slightly softer smell this time. And it’s a very sweet steep! Definitely getting the fruit sweetness. Lovely!
3rd steep – 120 seconds – a paler green again. A lighter taste than the previous steeps (won’t bother with a 4th), but still light and sweet.
I’ve really enjoyed this method of steeping with this tea, it’s brought out nicer flavours than a standard western steep. Upping my rating accordingly. It’s a lovely white, a real treat.
So even though I really enjoy white blends, I haven’t had any straight whites. So why not start with RHTB, given their excellent quality?
Scent: surprisingly vegetal. Haven’t smelled that before with whites. Hmm interesting!
Taste: still getting the grassiness in the first taste, but the taste of the back of the mouth is quite sweet. Further sips are intriguing, very tasty! Definitely coming back for more of this.
I hope the white tea/immunity thing is true though, have a little bit of a cough this morning. Hopefully it’s just me warming up after a cool night.
Seriously, what do they put in this? Rainbows and puppies and happiness? Its just so unbelievably awesome every time I have a cup, and can cope with a bit of a beating, like my desperately needs a good bi carb scrub Timolino, or some not quite perfect brewing temperature and timing. Stellar work, RHTB!
Having this iced. Gave it a good 6 mins so the flavours came through when cold. And they do, so raspberry-ee, so coconutty. And the white tea has this comforting, oddly warming sensation even when iced.
Just stunning. If you’ve never tried this, ORDER NOW! Seriously, international shipping be damned, it’s just sooo good.
This sounds SUPER delish! Might have to place an order once there’s room in the cupboard. Do you have any other favourites from them that shouldn’t be missed?
I haven’t yet had anything that wasn’t of exceptional quality, so I think you’d be pretty safe just picking a few randomly and going for it. And yes. It looks like its currently in Australia only, perhaps ill have to work something out with all of you… Definitely worth it.
I’ve sent some sampls of this to Michelle and azzrian late last year, and I think a few others have tried their teas, so hopefully when I eventually send a pack ofpver for a few more they’ll look into North American shipping.
They are just that good, I can’t let them keep their awesomeness just in my country. Remind me in March, got a few things going on at the moment but should be able to do something then. And think of an awesome American company that doesn’t ship internationally so we can swap (that’s right, not entirely selfless ;) ).
OH man, I’ve been dying to try this one too! It was on my shopping list as of the last time you logged it. (I’m sure I could go in with Sil on a swappy thing in the future… :D)
Absolutely! I’ll get you guys this exceptional quality local only tea, and I’m sure you’ll reciprocate!
And sorry about the nationality confusion, Canada is my favourite place, I did an exchange in Ottawa at the end of my degree.
Ok, will have to send a pack to Canada for you all then!
For sure… keep an eye out on anything you’d like to try/have us order and we can coordinate in March.
Thanks everyone for all the kind words about our teas. We are thrilled you’re enjoying them. We’ve recently launched a new website (where you can even leave a review of your tea) as well as two tea bars in cause you’re in Sydney and want to indulge your tea drinking pleasure. Hope to see you over there for a visit at
Had a bad weekend, medically, spent most of it on the couch under a blanket going through series 6&7 of one tree hill. This one was made for me by the other half when he got home from work.
Dry: you can smell all the flavours quite strongly, but the raspberry is the most prominent. Very genuine scents too, clearly no additional flavours here.
Steeped: wow. In case your weren’t sure, there are raspberries in this tea! But not just any raspberries, freshly picked raspberries, with that strong, sweet smell. Holey moley.
Taste: more raspberries! Also getting the sweet. Creaminess of the chocolate and coconut is definitely there too, and there is a hint of the white tea base. The aftertaste has a punch of the fresh raspberries I can smell. Wow. This is a wonderful tea! A great pick for yesterday afternoon, definitely changed my mood!
I resteeped this after my first cup. A little lighter in flavour, but still very enjoyable. The slightly less powerful raspberry flavour allows the white tea and chocolate to come through. Just amazing.
This is the first taste of the first tea of the first order I’ve ever done from The Rabbit Hole. So, yknow, no pressure guys! The boyfriend chose this one as he likes Turkish delight and has picked up the habit of wanting to try all my teas before I do. So we’re sharing.
Dry scent: I could clearly smell both the rich chocolate and the rose. The BF said he thought it smelled exactly like Turkish delight.
Steeped smell: Turkish delight!
Taste: lighter than I was expecting. I let it steep for around 8 mins. It does taste like Turkish delight, the rose flavour is prominent. It is very enjoyable. The other half thinks it would be good iced, that will be the next review!
Edit: on reflection, I think it tastes exactly like proper Turkish delight, yknow, the pink blobby stuff from turkey. So 100points for authenticity, but the proper stuff has never been my favourite snack. Will keep having cups though, see if it grows on me!
Special Thanks to LiberTEAs I was able to try this one :)
Thus far I have been a fan of Rabbit Hole Tea Bar…let’s see if this one follows suit???
Ahhhhhhh! This is wonderfully smooth and incredibly sweet. It’s VERY clean tasting and a gentle free-flowing milk oolong flavor! This is a terrific Milk Oolong!
Tart! As in TART! Tart tarty tart tart!
But, as much as I tend to reject tart flavors, this isn’t so bad as far as tart teas go. There are other flavors besides the tart.
The tart comes from the hibiscus, as does the deep ruby-red color. The tisane also has a nice body to it that comes from the hibiscus. I only steeped it for five and a half minutes, so it didn’t come out syrupy the way hibiscus can do sometimes.
I can taste the cherry and the blueberry, and these flavors are especially noticeable in the background where I get this really nice, fruity note. And the coconut offers just a hint of sweetness in the background, along with a slight creamy taste that really smooths out the flavor overall.
I did need to add a bit of turbinado sugar to this to help soften the tartness a bit, but I didn’t add a lot, and it wasn’t bad without the sugar, it’s just a lot better with it. It’s still tart … but it has a sort of refreshing quality to it too.
I cannot express how much I HATE Bananas. BUT…I’m really TRYING to be open-minded here. BUT I still wanted to state that upfront…my hatred for nanners…anyhow…
Thanks Liberteas!
This smells mostly of white tea…thankfully…
The taste is surprisingly sweet and not too banana-crazy! THANK the tea gods!!!! I can relate to Liberteas notes about it being comparable to banana bread. It IS creamy, too!
I don’t think this would have been the same with any other tea base. I’m so happy they used white tea!
As much as I can’t stand bananas – this flavored tea is NICE. Trust me when I say this is a HIGH rating and a positive review for this tea. If I were crazy for bananas I am sure it would be MUCH higher.
I have faced my fear for the day…sound the trumpets! :)
Thanks LiberTeas!
This has some sort of bakey-cakey thing going on that grabs me just enough to question it but then it fades away into a super sweet and creamy taste presented by the cacao nibs with a hint of rose that I think is a nice touch.
I do agree – overall speaking – it’s a gentle creamy flavor and I would LOVE to taste what MORE Chocolate flavors would do to it, but it’s a comfy, cozy cuppa – that’s for sure!
Yum! Milk Oolong! So deliciously creamy and smooth. Sweet!
There is a lightness to this, it isn’t too heavy or creamy or cloying. It tastes like a natural milk Oolong rather than one of those artificially flavored ones. It has a delicious hint of vegetation that melds with the milk creaminess to give it an almost “creamed vegetable” kind of taste. It is sweet and very pleasant to sip.
Another winner from The Rabbit Hole. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve tried from them.
This is simply cacao nibs and rose petals … but it is oh-so-lovely! I recommend infusing this for no less than 10 minutes and if you can see your way to add an extra scoop or two of the leaf in your teapot when you infuse this, your cup will be all the better for it. The chocolate is a bittersweet chocolate kind of flavor, and the rose gives it a very exotic kind of flavor. It is a very pleasant flavor, I like it very much. My only real complaint is that when brewed according to suggested parameters, it produces a thin flavor, and that is the reason for the rating of only 77 … I do think it would be better with more leaf, and a richer chocolate flavor would have elicited a higher numeric rating not to mention squeals of delight from me. (after all more chocolate = better)
I have had a couple of their teas and they were very flavorful! This one sounds good, too. Their chai had really strong, fresh, natural spice flavors.
Keen to hear more opinions on this one (we always strive to get our blends the best they can possibly be).
If you’re in Australia, i’m sending a free sample to the first three people to email me at [email protected] (with “Steepster Freebie” in the subject and your postal address in the body).
Love to hear your thoughts once you’ve tried it.
PS @ashmanra – glad you’re enjoying our Chai.
Oh my goodness this is AWESOME!
It smells amazing, like warm banana bread. And the banana flavor tastes like real banana, not like banana runts. It is a sweet banana taste, but it doesn’t taste like candy banana. It is sweet and creamy and comforting.
I love this.
This is really quite tasty … but it took a few sips to get to that point. At first, the flavors seemed really difficult to discern, I could taste hints of Oolong and apple and sweet toffee, but, it didn’t really come together and say “toffee apple” to me. It was tasty enough, but, it just wasn’t quite what I expected.
But then, after about my third or fourth sip, I said (out loud): WOW! This is good!
The flavors have really come into focus. The Oolong tastes sweet and buttery, with a creamy kind of flavor that melds quite well with the apple and toffee flavors. The apple tastes sweet with a hint of tartness to it, and then there is the sweet, sticky toffee flavor – so incredibly YUMMY!
I really like this!
My bundle of rabbit hole tea arrived this morning. I decided I would try berry bomb first. To be honest Ive thought of buying this tea for a while (based on so many glowing reviews) but havent because I’ve tried so many either disappointing or just plain awful berry flavoured black teas before (for example berry fruit from the tea centre).
I actually really like this one though. I can smell the different types of berries in it rather than the whole thing just being a random generic “berry” flavour. I can detect the raspberries and blueberries as distinct flavours rather than just rolled into one.
The black tea itself seems to fit perfectly with the berries with neither flavour, the berries or the black tea overpowering the other.
The only bad thing about this tea, I only bought a sample size.