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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (531)!

I decided that this year, for Easter, I wanted to do something for my coworkers at DAVIDsTEA so I bought a ton of plastic Eggs and filled them all with single cup amounts of tea from my personal stash. A mix of all different types, flavours, and companies.

I had honestly completely forgotten about this tea until I was looking for Pu’erh options to add to the mix and I pulled it from the very, very back of the pu’erh tin section in my shelves. There was actually only about two cups of tea left in the tin so I put one into the egg, and finished the other one off on the spot for an easy sipdown.

It wasn’t bad; tasted just a little bit flat so I added a touch of coconut agave just to spruce it up and give some more punch to the already coconut heavy profile. It made it quite sweet and smooth, with a lovely toasted coconut flavour and complimenting buttery quality. It was a nice enough cup; I wonder why I had completely forgotten about this tea?


maybe because you have 530 teas? haha

Evol Ving Ness

What a great idea! I hope your coworkers had fun with it. How did they know which temperature to steep at?

Roswell Strange

I slipped a little note in each egg with the tea name, company, type, and my preferred brewing parameters! Also @Sil – that could very well be the reason ;p

Lexie Aleah

What an amazing idea. Your Coworkers are gonna be spoiled. haha

A2ShedsJackson / MrsPremise

This is beyond cute. Makes me wish I had a dozen tea-loving friends to surprise! Might just do it for myself anyway :)

Evol Ving Ness

Lovely lovely idea, even with the element of self-interest :)

Evol Ving Ness

And by self-interest, I mean the omg, I have so many teas and there’s no way in the world I will be able to get through them before they need to be composted feeling.


psh…you guys just need to focus!

Evol Ving Ness

hahahha, one of these days, Sil…

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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
16950 tasting notes

Working on sipping this one down now;

It’s not a tea I dislike by any means but it’s not a favourite either and since I plan on picking up some of the interesting sounding Pu’erh teas from Cornelia Bean in less than a week, when I go on vacation, I’m going to need the tin space that this is currently taking up.

This was yet another mug worth of this tea that tasted like coconut sticky rice; though since I just had actual coconut sticky rice less than a week ago this tea was especially rice heavy since than imagery was fresh in my mind. I wish it was just a little bit sweeter…

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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
16950 tasting notes

Iced, with some added milk. Not quite a latte, though.

I feel like now that I’ve mentally made the connection between the flavour of this tea and sticky rice it’s one that I’m NEVER going to be able to separate from the experience of drinking this one. I mean, earthy? Yes. Coconut? Yes. Sticky Rice? FUCK YES.

I just can’t undo what has been done…

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v04H7_fFC90

Yeah, these two don’t really pair AT ALL. However, I’ve found myself in a nostalgia hole where all I seem to be listening to is classic Jonathan Coulton. Including this wonderful track…

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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
16950 tasting notes

Tried this one again,

The coconut was very buttery and pastry-like, and I really enjoyed that aspect of it slightly contrasted against a lighter, earthy base. However, something about it also VIVIDLY reminded me of sticky rice. It just had the same sort of glutinous, starchy sort of flavour. Kind of odd, admittedly, but also weirdly comforting.

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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
16950 tasting notes

Midday tea!

This was really good – I’m happy I nabbed some from MissB! It’s creamy with lots of rich, bold coconut notes and a bit of earthiness from the pu’erh. Very fresh tasting, and natural with that good kind of confectionery coconut taste and sort of this medium-ish sweetness. Like coconut nectar, or even the coconut agave from work that I like a lot.


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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
836 tasting notes

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Flavors: Coconut

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 375 OZ / 11090 ML

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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
1501 tasting notes

Still amazing more than a year later, and another 50g.

Yes, this is one of the teas I MUST carry around the world with me.

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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
1501 tasting notes

Gosh I love this tea. I’ve yet to find another coconut puer anywhere else in the world. (I’ve looked. I’ll keep on looking).

The last of it tasted a bit more perfume-y than I like, and a re-steep didn’t do well. Still, it was delicious. I might even venture back into Teaja just to grab more when I’m in Vancouver again.

Now, I love this tea. Truly. But I had such a distasteful experience with (I think) one of the owners last time I was in Teaja, even this amazing tea can’t make up for it. We’ll see.

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, Thick

2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML
Evol Ving Ness

Sad when the tea comes through but the humans don’t manage to.

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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
1501 tasting notes

Drinking this again today; it’s really got me captivated.

I’m more fond of it unsweetened. It’s still thick and toasty, rich and earthy, creamy and yet biting. Like raw coconut.

Flavors: Biting, Coconut, Creamy, Thick

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drank Coconut Puerh by Teaja
1501 tasting notes

The smell. O. M. G. Just on the smell alone, I bought 50g. It’s like a creamy milk chocolate infused coconut. I don’t know how, or why, but that’s what it smells like to me. I just want to dance in it and cover my body with its deliciousness.

Um. So, yea.

Drinking it, I’m a bit perplexed. It’s really, really sweet for a supposedly unsweetened tea. It’s a toasty, warm, creamy, almost biting coconut. There’s an earthiness I love as well, it’s very… Unusual. I swear there are cacao nibs from the flavor… But it’s just tea and big chunks of coconut.

A win, for sure. Must drink more. Just, no sweetener next time.

Flavors: Chocolate, Coconut, Sweet, Thick, Toasty

2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Roswell Strange

How interesting; I never would have thought to pair coconut and Pu’erh…


Me either! The staffer said it was an “adventurous mistake”. I can send you a bit if you’d like.

Roswell Strange

What a neat way to phrase that. No need to go out of your way to send one tea though; I’ll just keep an eye out for Pu’erh blends w. coconut in the future :)

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drank Double Cream Earl Grey by Teaja
1501 tasting notes

I find it a bit odd that most of Teaja’s teas aren’t on their website. I was told they have a separate blending facility in Olympic Village, and they’re sold through a distribution company (whose name I forget). This is also the name used for the tea festival competition, of which they won two awards this year.

Anyway. This tea… I knew I wouldn’t love it, but the reviews on Yelp and the smell were too good not to try. The staffer knew my reluctance, so she sold me 10g of it… A surprising amount!

It actually smells creamy – is that possible – and floral, blergamot-y. (not a typo). It tastes almost identical to the smell… Cream first, then floral citrus. I could see this being a huge favorite for those EG lovers… I’m just not one of them. Can I send someone here the rest? :)

Flavors: Bergamot, Cream, Creamy, Floral

2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I will try it! I love cream Earl greys! I will pm you

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drank Naked Chai by Teaja
1501 tasting notes

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drank Naked Chai by Teaja
1501 tasting notes

I know it’s just spices. I know I can add this to pretty much any tea and make it my own. I know I can. But I don’t. I just drink it before bed because there’s zero caffeine, it’s a bit unique in the chai department, and I love the spice combo. I also know it’s too pricey for just, well, spices, to replenish, so I’ll enjoy it as-is until I’m out.

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drank Naked Chai by Teaja
1501 tasting notes

Found Teaja yesterday in Yaletown, and after smelling this, I immediately grabbed 50g of it. It smelled STRONG, like, blow out your nostrils strong, in a yummy way. Yes, this is my kind of chai.

Brewed up a cup last night. Didn’t taste quite as expected, but, very potent. Dare I say, almost, too spicy? ;)

Flavors: Cinnamon, Ginger, Spicy

2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Tangy Lime Sherbet by Teaja
6444 tasting notes


This tea left me wanting more. Tangy Lime Sherbet sounds amazing but there is no tang, little lime, and nothing that would come off as sherbet. It’s like drinking plain rooibos tea with a slice of lime tossed in because there really isn’t much in terms of flavor. Oh well. At least now I know this isn’t for me because it certainly sounded promising.


this one made me mad. i was hoping someone else would get more from it :(


The name sounds delicious.. Good to know not to pursue getting this one


Sil, perhaps someone else who gets it in the box will find the key to unlocking it’s hidden deliciousness. Unfortunately that person wasn’t me.



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drank Chocolate Break by Teaja
4330 tasting notes

This sample is from Sil. It was a surprise bonus sample in our swap! This tea has generic dark black leaves mixed with some cacao shells and a few chocolate chips. Dry scent is sweet but not necessarily chocolatey.

Hmm. I don’t actually taste chocolate in this at all… The base tea is somewhat woody but otherwise not at all memorable. I get perhaps a tiny bit of milk chocolate in the aftertaste, but otherwise this just tastes like a mediocre black tea. Sad day.

Flavors: Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

yep… it made me sad..i had such high hopes for this…was mostly hoping it would work for someone else…doesn’t seem to be the case though :(

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drank Chocolate Break by Teaja
6119 tasting notes

I didn’t read up on this tea before brewing it up and trying it (I actually hadn’t even heard of the company before, to be honest), so I have no idea what to expect. It looks like a blend of black tea, cacao shells, and a few little chocolate chips, presumably to create an incredibly chocolatey blend. The result is certainly malty, and somewhat chocolatey, but it’s not all that rich – the base tea doesn’t seem to be overly strong here, and possibly isn’t even all that chocolatey itself, resulting in more of a light milky chocolate flavour instead of a rich, dark chocolate. Oddly enough, despite my preference for milk chocolate, I’d prefer dark in a tea, so this tea, though reasonably tasty, can’t top the natural chocolatey notes in Chinese blacks I’ve had. Thanks Sil!

ETA: Got two good infusions out of this tea, but then the flavour was gone. Probably a good thing for someone with such ridiculous amounts of tea.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

yep…still looking for a good chocolate tea..

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drank Chocolate Break by Teaja
15575 tasting notes

the more i have this tea, the more disappointed i am. Today it was a rather tasteless sort of cup. For something this expensive it should be a much more rich and velvety sort of cup of tea.

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drank Chocolate Break by Teaja
15575 tasting notes

tried this one as a latte tonight. This is more like dark chocolate than milk chocolate, but it’s still just not what i was hoping for when i picked it up. I’m not a HUGE fan of the base but the chocolate is decent for what it’s worth. Maybe a little sugar would have improved things but i didn’t get around to that as i drink most of my teas without sweetner


I definitely got milk chocolate over dark. Agreed on the base though – I think that could really improve it.


the “stick” pieces are a little weird too..not sure if you had any in the samples i sent over. This was one of the teas from a random vancouver company i walked past.


I didn’t notice any “stick” pieces… interesting.

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drank Chocolate Break by Teaja
15575 tasting notes

I tried this one out tonight…yes, i’m still awake! lol this one isn’t bad it’s not as dark chocolatey wonderful as MF’s mousse au chocolat or as chocolatey as i want it to be, but it’ll do. The base is nice, and for those looking for “organic” teas, this IS that. I kind of want to try this as a latte and see if the chocolate and the base come through the milk..more to come as i play with it! :)

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drank Tangy Lime Sherbet by Teaja
15575 tasting notes

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drank Tangy Lime Sherbet by Teaja
15575 tasting notes

this tea makes me saaaaad. It was so promising and now, it’s mostly just a cup of rooibos (not super woodsy) with a hint of lime. Out of my cupboard and in to the swap box it goes since i have resolved not to keep teas in the house that i don’t enjoy more than not :)

The Cookie Lady

What a lovely resolution! I’m still in the beginning stages of tea stash development where I can’t quite bear to get rid of even the things I hate because I keep thinking, “BUT WHAT IF I LEARN TO LIKE IT LATER AND THEN I DON’T HAVE ANY?!?!?!?!?!!” It’s a very distracting frame of mind to be in….and it’s not good for my poor little already overburdened tea shelf.


haha yeah… i was that way in the past, but now i just try to find better homes for it. I have more than enough tea in my cupboard to not want to drink things i don’t enjoy.

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drank Tangy Lime Sherbet by Teaja
15575 tasting notes

I hit 100 teas (god i remember being up at 350+ so it’s been a ride…) and now i’m staring at teapots. I blame teafairy for buying one of the ones from Mandala that i’ve been looking at….and Dexter for informing me that it was ok…i only need three. sigh sooo now i’ve basically picked out one from teavivre and one from mandala that i want to save for so that i can get my first pot(S). Except that i need to save if i’m going to do that since our move was a little more expensive than we planned and with all the travelling and wedding planning and crap…i shouldn’t be splurging. but i waaaaaaanttttt…. sigh

Anyway….i opened this tea up since now that i’ve hit 100 i feel like i have a bit more room in my direct cupboard for some of my more recent purchases so a few more teas can be opened. I started with a few of the non black teas that i’d picked up and this was one of them.

I had higher hopes for this tea. It smells wonderful! tangy and lime-y and once again, falls short. I’m hoping that i can figure out the right steeping parameters to coax out a little more flavour and a little less rooibos. Oh well, always nice to try new companies!


Hahaha, you only need three. :D

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drank Sugar & Spice by Teaja
154 tasting notes

Very astringent & flat tasting. There isn’t any real depth of flavor.

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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