Tea Rebellion

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drank Zomba Pearls by Tea Rebellion
1764 tasting notes


Flavors: Honey, Mineral, Spring Water

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I’ve almost sipped my way through this tea; it makes for a really reliable daily drinker with a light and buttery feeling mouthfeel. The tasting notes are soft and floral, with an especially orchid-forward taste complemented by notes of lilac and snow peas that makes up an overall bouquet of fresh, crisp Spring-like flavours. It definitely reminds me of time spent at my Grandparent’s house in the late Spring, like around Easter break. There was something very magical about hunting for Easter eggs in their massive flower and vegetable gardens as a small kid, rummaging through all the foliage.

Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_N5Iz6OvwL/?img_index=1

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJyBfqsR2o0

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I’ve been in a real oolong kind of mood this week. In particular, it’s greener and more floral leaning oolongs that I’ve been reaching for and the highly aromatic, lush notes of orchid, elderflowers, and lilacs are so spot on for that craving!! In addition, the medium bodied liquor has the perfect soft and buttery mouthfeel with a sweet, crisp finish – like iceberg lettuce, but in the best way. I kind of feel like the Very Hungry Caterpillar (y’know, from the children’s storybook) just going to town on all the garden flowers and veggies, and I’m so completely NOT mad about it!!

Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsW7eq-OcCy/

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ps1Hw3wxww

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Stonefruit. Malt. Smoke.

Very much enjoying this with a streaming piano concert through the Royal Conservatory. Music is such a balm. Tea too, of course.

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Taking a break from the more froufrou French teas I’ve been drinking lately. Though to be fair, yesterday’s almond orange flower water pastry tea was not all that froufrou.

This tea arrived in my sampler box from the Quebec Online Tea Festival/ Festival du The Quebec. One of the few black teas, just saying.

The dry leaf is hardy and wiry. The leaves are longish.

I was rather surprised that this is smoky: medium smoky, in my humble opinion. The smokiness is juxtaposed with like a honey sweetness, a winning combination.

And oddly enough, it is the second tea I am seeing here today smoked on guava leaves. Who knew?

Really rather lovely. Smoky, sweet, full-bodied, malty. Easy to drink.

I will have no difficulty finishing off this packet of tea.


Another one! Neat! I have a feeling I like this method.

Evol Ving Ness

Yeah, I am really enjoying this tea. I’ve been drinking it all day. Smooth. And another bonus is that it seems near impossible to oversteep.


Good to know! Going to need to check out this one sometime in the new year..

I also appreciate how this tea’s name clearly states the country of origin. Mariage Freres was all “this is from Southern Africa”. I cried geography tears lol

Evol Ving Ness

Geography tears—lol!

Also, it seems that the boxes are still available. :)

Evol Ving Ness

I am particularly enthusiastic about the caramel infused with tea though, honestly, everything so far has come as a welcome surprise. (though I am not a huge fan of the RTD teas.)


Mmm… did you get the “Découverte” one? It’s extremely tempting.

Evol Ving Ness

Yes, yes, I did. Though this tea is from the grand cru sampler. Each one is quite tempting in its own way. And I felt that I was behind on my matcha experience, so I got that one too. /facepalm/

There are cool surprises in these boxes, ie. things I didn’t really know I wanted until I got them. :)

If you decide to get one/some, try the KELLY15 code for 15% off. It probably still works.

Evol Ving Ness

The last time I was in Montreal, I discovered quite an amazing range of tisanes. I guess it is a thing there. Not that I am that much drawn to them normally. However, they are so delicious. These boxes have a nice variety of them: floral and foresty. Another perk.


I too am behind in my matcha experience.. I am you here, but in the past, and I’m determined to repeat the same mistakes/happy accidents.

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drank Kumari Gold by Tea Rebellion
16916 tasting notes

My morning cuppa from today.

This was smooth, and sweet and I definitely appreciated it for that quality. A very easy drinking sort of tea that would absolutely make a very good daily drinker or something to brew in a large Western sized pot to sip on while doing an activity of some kind (chores, watching a movie, cooking, etc.). Notes of honey, malt, and bread – but mostly just a VERY distinct raisin note. Nothing wildly exciting; but I feel like this would be a very reliable cup and something that’s exactly what you need in a tea.

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