Tea & Bloom

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drank White Tropics by Tea & Bloom
4843 tasting notes


A tasty combination of creamy coconut and sweet pineapple. The white tea is delicate, as are the flavors and I’m happy that the flavoring doesn’t overpower the white tea flavor. It’s not an exceptional tea by any stretch of the imagination but it’s alright. I won’t go out of my way to order it again but if it were offered to me, I’d be happy to have some.

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drank Wild Cherry by Tea & Bloom
1379 tasting notes

I haven’t been on Steepster for a while so it’s nice to be back. I’m starting the process for buying a house whilst at the same time closing my jewellery business down, plus I am recovering from a bad cold that left be bed ridden for over a week.

I made a large teapot of this tea last night, since I have my taste and smell back (for the most part) I really wanted some fruit tea, preferably sweet fruit tea. I opened the pack and the blend jumped out with some sort of medicinal cherry scent, similar to some sort of cherry cough syrup. It was thick, sweet and sour but that medicinal essence (whatever it was) was very strong.

So I prepared the tea and waited the long steeping time of roughly 8 or 9 minutes, I could see the water becoming more and more red from the hibiscus.

Finally as I poured the cup I could note that the medicinal scent was still there but the cherry became more defined and sweet. For the most part the teas flavour and scent matched, it had the same medicinal elements in flavour, I’m thinking it could be the way the cherries were preserved. I couldn’t taste any other fruit besides the cherry but the hibiscus and rose hip added some tartness, though I would still say overall the blend was of average strength for a fruit tea.

It was just a weird tea in my opinion, it was ‘ok’ but not something I would consider buying again. I’m putting it down to whatever the cherry was preserved in as to the medicinal taste and smell. But drinking something that reminds me of medicine is strange in itself. This tea is just not for me.

Boiling 8 min or more 10 g 34 OZ / 1000 ML

Good luck with everything!

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This note is from a long time ago.

This tastes foul, down right like I am eating leaves. YUCK!
I did use it to treat my cramps & as an effective cramp suppressant this gets 100! As a tasty, I want to drink you all the time, a big fat 0.

Boiling 8 min or more

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Thanks tattooed_tea, for this tea, which I had with lunch (Indian food, couldn’t have breakfast all day long). Certainly one of the better orange spice teas I’ve had. Has a nice zing to it, from the cranberry and maybe hibiscus? As it cools it reminds me more and more of some Celestial Seasonings tea from my childhood, which in turns reminds of the holidays. Very nice!

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My first choice from the amazing day today, thanks tattooed!
I chose this one for it’s seasonal notes, how could an orange cranberry not get me in the Christmas spirit? :D

The spices are perfectly balanced and help to mellow the tartness of the cranberry! I would love to make a huge pot of this on Christmas day, it’s too perfect. Thank you!



I drank something similar this morning, for the same reason. Merry Christmas!!

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I LOVE this tea.

As a recommendation from my tea ladies I gave this one a try, it’s a new one.
this is spool amazing. creamy, nutty, caramelly and so beautifully earthy at the end of the sip. This may be my absolute favorite tea ever.
I’ve had it twice since Monday & bought a bag.
I think my favorite part of this tea is the earthiness. it’s quite spectacular.
must try more flavored oolongs.


This sounds quite amazing!

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Azzrian Thanks so much for this one!

I like it hot as well as cold! The Cran/Orange/Spice are 33 and a third ratio-wise…they mesh perfectly well! Tangy, Tart, Citrus, Spice…all of it is NICE :)

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drank Wild Strawberry by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

sipdown! Hot cup of this tonight and it’s delicious still. I have a hard time deciding which way of brewing this i prefer as both are yummy. Thanks as always for sharing tattoed_tea!

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drank Wild Strawberry by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

Cold brew of this tonight with a splash of ginger ale added to it. Delicious!

Terri HarpLady

ooooh, that sounds like a really nice treat!


That sounds delicious.



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drank Wild Strawberry by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

this tea makes me happy. I always love it when i can wrangle a little more out of tattooed_tea! had this cold brewed tonight and it is helping to make a no, good, very bad, day better.

Edit: 224 – no sipdowns today and i added 4 samples from Yezi tea to my cupboard. Oh well…two tomorrow instead?


oh no not you too! I swear, everyone I know had an AWFUL day yesterday :[

Terri HarpLady

Not me!! I spent the day mostly in PJs. sorry to gloat…


LOL Terri it seems to be a Toronto thing as far as I can tell. An epidemic :/
Gotta love pjs!!

Terri HarpLady

I live in them!


haha me to Terri!!

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drank Wild Strawberry by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

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drank Wild Strawberry by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! (thanks again tattoed_tea!)
I really do enjoy this one and i’m super glad to have more shared with me! It’s sweet, it’s slightly tart but mostly it’s just a delicious herbal blend that is tasty good :)

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drank Wild Strawberry by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

mmm i do really love this tea! Thank you again tattoed_tea for sending more of this my way! I still really need to try this with some lemonade to see how the lemonade and strawberry mingles together. so delicious!

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drank Wild Strawberry by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

Sipdown! Tank you again tatooed_tea for sharing this tea with us over the 12 days swap. I really love this a lot. I may just need to hit you up for a swap of this in the summer :) cold brewed this is fantastic.


Yup this is a good one. Glad you enjoy it.
I love mixing it with lemonade.


Love the name of this company ;)


Aye….there may very well be a required swap in the future ;)

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drank Wild Strawberry by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

Finally had the chance to have this tea from my 12 days of Christmas swap! I have to say this is a mighty fine tisane and i can only imagine how incredible this would be with lemonade. The strawberries are tart and sweet and it’s jsut a really good cup of yum! Come summer i may just be begging you to send me more tatooed_tea so that i can try that! Thank you for this lovely share!

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drank Cranberry Orange Spice by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

sipdown! made up a bunch of this to drink as a cold brew tonight when i get home. I am loving the way that this one blends together :) thank you tattoed_tea! Love tea from local shops :)

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drank Cranberry Orange Spice by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

thank you tattoed_tea for sending more of this my way! It’s still as delicious as i remember :) I really like the spice factor in this one even if i don’t get much in the way of cranberry

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drank Cranberry Orange Spice by Tea & Bloom
15565 tasting notes

On the 6th day of christmas, tatooed_tea gave to us…a smorgashboard of breakfast themed teas! It’s been a stupidly long day for me so i’m only just now getting to try this one….the 4 others may need to wait. :(

However, this is a really nice blend of spices. I don’t get a lot of cranberry, but that doesn’t make this an unenjoyable tea. It reminds me of a delightful cup of mulled spice cider, without the apple flavour.

Thank you for sharing this tea with us! Especially since the store doesn’t have an online presence. YAY for local tea shops!


Boo for long days! atleast your meetings are over :)

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This is another tea from tattooed_tea for Day 6. (Fruit being another choice for breakfast!)

Mmm! This is one of the nicest cranberry/orange blends I’ve tried. I love the spice! The spices hit the palate right from the start, and then I taste the flavor of orange – sweet and a little bit tangy, and the tart notes of the cranberry. It’s very fragrant and flavorful and the flavors are very forward. They aren’t shy!

The black tea is also strong enough to stand up and be counted among these powerful flavors. It has a richness to it, so it surprised me to read the description and learn that it was a Ceylon. I thought maybe a Nilgiri. It is smooth, earthy, even a touch malty … and finishes with a slight astringency.

A very enjoyable cuppa!


I too loved this one! I have not made a tasting note yet as I have been too sleepy to do so then had other things I had to get done. It IS delightful though!!!

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drank Lemon Mango by Tea & Bloom
892 tasting notes

Thanks, Jes for sending this my way! This has a really nice flavor to it :) its sweet and juicy. The lemon is just right, not too tart and not too light. The mango kind of rounds the edge of tartness from the lemon and hibiscus. The flavors blend so nicely. Thanks again!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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This is the first time I ever have a tea house made latte. I have had Tea & Bloom’s Vanilla Chai many times, I even own a large tin because it is that good of a chai. I decided to have it as a latte because I have been feeling like crap and I thought maybe it would help.

This has got to be one of, if not THE best thing I have ever drank. It tastes just like pumpkin pie fresh from the over. The frothy milk is so creamy and whipped cream like and all the vanilla and spices lend its self perfect to tastes just like pumpkin pie. Unbelievable delicious.

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drank Lemon Mango by Tea & Bloom
297 tasting notes

From Tea & Bloom this has got to be my fav iced tea. I also drink it hot. The lemon & mango mingle beautifully, they are slightly tart & deliciously sweet. The perfect combination.

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