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To celebrate T2 opening up their London store I thought it was about time for another tea review, and one of my favourites in the whole T2 collection.
Although the classic Early Grey bergamot is definitely there, for me it’s the hibiscus that comes through and what makes it so delicious. It gives the tea the floral and fruity hit that makes it a more gentle early grey than others. Sometimes I can find bergamot too overpowering so for me, this one is balanced just perfectly.
I have this with milk and find it light enough to be a perfect afternoon tea. Its refreshing and more-ish and it’s become my most ordered tea from T2 so far.
thank you missB! this is another delight that was sent my way. This is a tasty sugar, nougatty tea. I think i’d prefer this as a black base tea but on the whole it’s a delicious tasting tea that was really nice with dinner + fringe.
Oh man..also…i had the best lemon bluberry cake today with our lunch out…i’m still dreaming about it..lemon custard thingy on top…blueberry layers…fluffy white cake..meringue on the top sorta…soooooo good.
Final Count: 156 (at least 6 teas in tomorrow’s sipdown!)
On my first taste of T2 Gyokuro, I found the sharp taste overwhelming and a little too bitter. However, after brewing at home and taking care with brew time and temperature, I found this tea to be delightful. It has a rich, robust flavour with a slightly sweet aftertaste and hints of roasted rice in the aroma. If you are not a fan of strong flavours or green tea this is certainly one to miss; if you enjoy a strong green tea without bitterness, this is an ideal candidate. Brew time is essential to the flavour of this tea, however, as it becomes bitter very quickly.
Flavors: Grass, Nuts, Seaweed
i enjoy a black tea with rich flavours in it such as the melbourne breakfast tea by t2. the first aroma on brewing the tea is a delicate honey vanilla which isn’t as overpowering as the madagascan vanilla tea by t2 (striclty vanilla flavoured) . It is strong enought to start your day off with or enjoy after a long day at work. i prefer taking my tea with a hint of milk and a pinch of sugar. i found this tea to be very similar to the creme brulee tea by T2 except that it lacks the nuttiness and toffee flavouring of the creme brule. all i all a terrific tea,which i regularly stock in my kitchen.
Flavors: Honey, Vanilla
Aroma: Big hit of wood, smoke and pine needles. Bold but complex, and ever so slightly acrid. Hints of ginger and tropical fruit. Second steeping is still full of flavour.
Palate: Pine cones and forrest floor. There is a certain ‘dankness’ to this tea which is earthy and alluring. Light smoke and burnt sugar are in there. This tea is somehow deep yet light without being overpowering. Second steeping is just as good. All in all, quite delicious.
Overall: A great dark oolong – a variety that is really growing on me lately. I’ll be back for more!
Late last year I sent a tea care package to a friend in Australia, and just yesterday I received a package in return from her. Imagine my surprise when I found a bunch of T2 teas in it, some of which I’ve coveted, yet haven’t been able to purchase as they only ship within Australia. So, thanks Helen! You rock.
I was expecting licorice like the Dutch licorice I had the other day, or even So Long and Thanks for All the Licorice from Butiki. Nope… this is anise, fennel and peppermint tea. and I’d imagine this would settle even the most upset of stomachs. Word of advice though: leave it unsweetened. It’s surprisingly sweet on it’s own.
Flavors: Anise
T2 have been shipping internationally for a while now – Just so you know. No GST is charged on international orders (orders with a billing address outside Australia).
International shipping is calculated based on the total order value, as follows:
Spend $0 – $50 $15.00 freight
Spend $50 – $100 $35.00 freight
Spend $100 – $150 $40.00 freight
Spend $150 – $250 $50.00 freight
Spend $250+ FREE
T2 complies with Australian regulations; however, your country may have different requirements for importing our products. Now, we can’t be liable for any additional duties, taxes or surcharges that you may have to pay on delivery to your country. If you are unsure, we suggest checking with local authorities before placing your order.
Im a total T2 girl but i do get envious when i read all the DavidTea reviews. Ah the cost of International Shipping V I want that Tea :-)
Oh? Good to know. Last I looked and talked to them, they were still only able to ship within Australia. Andrea, if you’d ever like some DAVIDs, I’d be happy to get some for you (if I don’t already have some) and send it over. I live within a few blocks of a store, and I ship things to Australia quite regularly.
Thanks to memily for this tea!
This smells divine! It smells like fresh raspberries. I might have oversteeped this one, I found the taste a little bitter, which I usually don’t get when I oversteep oolongs. I’ll have to watch the time next time I guess. Otherwise it is pleasant enough. I found the flavour of the oolong a little weak, as well as the berry flavour. I could definitely tell it was raspberry flavoured, but it was drowned out by the bitterness. Despite all of that, it was still a pleasant enough cup, I just wish the taste was more in keeping with the scent.
The wonderful memily sent me this tea along with quite a few other T2 blends to try. This is the first of many. It’s 11pm so I needed a caffeine free treat before bed.
I think it’s quite difficult to find a good rooibos. We used to have a local tea house in my city that had afternoon tea with scones and cucumber sandwiches. I had my first rooibos there and I was in love. Their vanilla and caramel flavours were so good! And the base was delicious, it was sweet, not medicinal and just had this really unique flavour. Me and my mom bought a loose leaf tea pot and drank those teas for a year or so, but then stopped. Last year when I got back into loose leaf, I heard they were closing down and went there on the last day of the clearance sale to pick up some teas. They didn’t have those flavours which sucked, it would have been neat to see if I still felt the same way about them. I did pick up a few rooibos blends, and while the base is good, the flavours aren’t as good as the other ones.
This base in this tea is very similar to that. I am not getting any medicinal taste and it is just a light, sweet rooibos. I think I made this a touch too weak because I can’t detect a lot of fruit flavour, but I am picking up some peach notes. Next time I will add extra tea.
Needed something desserty and far too much of my T2 stocks are still boxed! Finally let myself crack this open, hoarded just before Christmas. Only a small amount (25g) in a trio with original cocoa loco and the mint version, too, but orange is my jam so I went with my gut.
Brewed up a little pot and had some on its own and some with a dash of vanilla soy, because I am in quite a dessert mood! Very happy with this treat.
Hot tip: doesn’t survive more than one infusion. (Heck, I’ll always try.)
Flavors: Chocolate, Orange Zest
I rated this quite badly originally but I need to rate it based on what it is, which is a breakfast tea with a bit of a twist, and this one is lovely and comforting with a bit of vanilla and a bit of smoke—enough to add interest to a mug of tea and a splash of milk, a bit of sweetness without needing sugar (I was brought up having my breakfast teas with sugar, it’s an unlearning process).
Having a mug of this on a rainy autumn morning with a pot of soup on the stove. I’m doing it right.
Flavors: Smoke, Vanilla
Rainy autumn morning?! Took me far too long this morning to register how that was possible, remembering that there is a whole other side of the planet and not a weird Steepster glitch. I have not yet had enough caffeine!