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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
1024 tasting notes

Found a way to boost two teas I wasn’t overwhelmed by… add them together! A scoop of this with a scoop of vanilla slice and I’m quite happy to drink my way through these.

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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
1024 tasting notes

Just the faintest hint of vanilla (moreso on the nose than the tongue), an ok breakfast tea. I’m not blown away, I prefer some of the other breakfast teas far more.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Toasty Nougat by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Toasty Nougat by T2
1024 tasting notes

Ok, so Toasty Nougat is one for sharing with other teas. I discovered it goes well with the Art of Tea’s NUDI-TEA a couple of weeks ago, and thanks to some Instagram hashtag-trolling I tried it last night with some T2 Cocoa Loco (Orange—I don’t have my straight CL open yet) and a dash of vanilla soy.

Boosting the rating and recommending as a good additional scoop to enhance sweet, creamy and nutty notes in other teas.

1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Toasty Nougat by T2
1024 tasting notes

Right, I went back in for round 2 with this guy this evening, using some of my cherished Blueberry Blush to complete this recipe: http://www.t2tea.com/recipes/blue-nougat-2/ but at a one-cup scale, so I had a heaped BB and around 3/4 TN.

Still not winning me over. Something bad-tart came out in this mix.

As it’s cooling it’s becoming a lot more palatable but the recipe has it served hot, so I did what I was told. No sweetener either—I can only imagine how much more bad-tart this would have turned with the addition of some lemon as recipe-suggested!

Two more recipes/chances, Toasty Nougat.

Andrea Stephens

I found toasty Nougart a complete letdown unless it was iced & even then the quantity you needed to use was kind of outrageous for what was essentially a “mixer”. in the end i divided the rest of my box between toasty oolong and my chai mix. I was a bit surprised that they had recently upgraded TN to “the big tin” along with the likes of Geisha Getaway, Terrific Toffee. Someone must be using it and loving it…


Very weird that it’s in the big tin! I’m gonna try the other two recipes from the website and also try it iced, though it’s a bit silly that a blend called “toasty” is better iced. Tsk. Such a shame because it SMELLS divine.

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drank Toasty Nougat by T2
1024 tasting notes

Right, my box of this finally got opened tonight so I figured I may as well hit it for dessert!

And… bit of a letdown.

Though I must admit, I bought this as a blender, so now I just have to find the recipe that suggested this as an ingredient and maybe then we’ll be cooking with gas.

(I still want to eat this from the tin with a spoon, though.)

ETA: got it.
1. http://www.t2tea.com/recipes/toasty-ginger-recipe-2/
2. http://www.t2tea.com/recipes/blue-nougat-2/
3. http://www.t2tea.com/recipes/tutti-fruitti-2/

AND I have all those other teas. Perfect.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Red Choc Mint by T2
21 tasting notes

Tried this on Memily’s recomendaton. Loved it straight, Absolutely adored with the addition of Vanilla Soy (thanks MEM), but almost broke down in tears of joy when i popped the last of my Choc Soy in to a brew to finish it off. When my little Nephews come around they always want a “taste” of the lastest T2 addition to my cupboard, Some they like, most are to “complex” ie adult. Choc Mint with Choc Soy i brew a pot for them especially. So hoping it eventually comes out in the “Big Tin”

Flavors: Chocolate

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec 4 tsp 51 OZ / 1500 ML

Woohoo! I don’t generally have choc soy around but of course that makes sense!

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drank Honey Honey by T2
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Sipdown #11 on the Quest.

For some reason I thought I didn’t like honey bush very much, but today has proven that thought incorrect. It’s certainly not the worst. A little sweet, quite earthy but light, I’m gonna stop avoiding future tastings of this.

But I’m also not gonna rush out and buy it?


Ooh I like sipdown quests ;)

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drank Indian Spice by T2
1024 tasting notes

Guess who has a head cold! Guess who’s used up all their spices!

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drank Indian Spice by T2
1024 tasting notes

RIP me, I have a sore throat that 100% feels like a “first stage of cold virus” sore throat and I really don’t want a cold virus for Christmas. FFS, body, what is wrong with you?


I have that throat/first stage of a cold virus thing right now too :( I’m willing it to just attack me immediately so I can try to get rid of it in the next week! Boo. Hope you feel better


Wah, thank you, you too! The cold I had last month was drawn out like yours sounds, this one came out of nowhere and knocked me out :(

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drank Indian Spice by T2
1024 tasting notes

Tonight I went to a T2 event to see the new Christmas products but mostly to get 15% off everything. I have a killer cold virus right now so I asked one of the girls what I should hit up and without hesitation she was like “Lemongrass & Ginger, guuuuurl” (it was totally already in my basket) “AND Indian Spice, brew them up together for like 20mins and shove a bunch of honey in there.”

So I did. Four teaspoons of L&G and two of Indian Spice and just so much honey and everything is ok now.

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drank Indian Spice by T2
1024 tasting notes

Sipdown #12. I drank the last of this sample with one of my lovely Teehaus Artee gifts, the Chin Hsuan Cha (I originally thought this was a green but turns out it’s an oolong—I should have known, tsk). It gave the tea a lovely faint spice edge and I totally get what it’s all about now. Yep, great.

Meanwhile, I dropped into T2 today to try their three new cherry teas and I can’t believe I managed to get out of there without even making a purchase. High five, self! Sticking to my no-purchases guns! It probably helps that I unpacked my still-boxed teas last night to make them more visible (and hopefully get stuck into some of them soon) and they totalled 18. 18 lovely orange cubes of still-sealed tea. Tsk.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Indian Spice by T2
1024 tasting notes

Ok, I could definitely sense what they were going for here, but when you need to steep a black tea for 2-3mins and they recommend steeping Indian Spice for 5-7mins that’s not really gonna add up. I put a scoop of this with my Art of Tea lemon myrtle black and it got too astringent around 5mins. One sample scoop left to play with. A green next time?

5 min, 15 sec

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drank Minty Mate by T2
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drank Minty Mate by T2
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Sipdown #8 for 2014. I didn’t dislike this as much as I expected to—the first mouthful was heinously licorice-laden but the awful sweetness mellowed out after that first mouthful. I wanted to drink something energising due to not having any morning coffee around and while I’m not going to restock, I’m glad I got to try this sample.

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Sweet Spice by T2
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drank Mudan Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

Eh. Perhaps my sample was getting a bit old or I didn’t steep for long enough, but I’m not getting a great deal out of this. Then again, I’m not the biggest fan of simple green teas. Ah well, sipdown #4 achieved, at least! I’ll try another steeping of this as the website does say up to three infusions are good.

ETA: NOPE CHANGED MY MIND why keep drinking something you’re not crazy about when there are 87 other teas to drink? Binned, rose. Sorry.

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drank Darjeeling First Flush by T2
1024 tasting notes

Sipdown #3, dedication to the sipdown cause is in the house.

And now I am learning the hard way about being an Adult with fine bone china. I thought I’d be fancy tonight and drink my (properly steeped) first flush from my lovely Old Country Roses teaware I was given as a farewell gift from my last workplace. (I got two trios, a sugar bowl, a milk jug and a biscuit tray all together, it was lovely and very thoughtful of them.)

One of my trios has been on the shelf and watered somewhat regularly for the last 18 months. The other trio has been up in my top cupboard. I pulled the cupboard trio down tonight—and probably none of you are surprised to hear that the cup has a great big crack in it. I am a little bit heartbroken! Oh dear. I immediately watered the rest of my set (it’s all fine) but that just indicates to me that this stuff needs to be used more often.

In any case, I did real good tonight.

#1: 90°C 1.5mins. Not quite long enough for my tastes—a very light and delicate cup.

#2: 90°C 2.5mins. From the same teapot as #1, left for an extra minute! Basically perfect for me. I still don’t have enough of a palate to be able to describe teas, but let me try. Light, grassy, a little nutty? Ah. Good. The T2 website says “fresh and floral”. Yep, I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I like this.

#3: 90°C 4.5mins. Second infusion. And the magic seems to be gone already. I may never get the bliss of cup #2 back…

2 tsp 15 OZ / 450 ML

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drank Darjeeling First Flush by T2
1024 tasting notes

You’d think with a first flush I’d be smart enough to not oversteep, right?


You’re wrong.


Trying this again tonight with a bit more vigilance than just drinkin’ at work.


Good luck tonight. ;-)

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drank Good Evening by T2
1024 tasting notes

Sipdown #2! Look at me go! Another sample.

I almost butchered this with a too-long steep when I already had double the recommended leaves in the infuser. Saved with a couple spoonfuls of sugar and a healthy dollop of cream. In fact, it’s kind of delicious now…

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Green Rose by T2
4 tasting notes

Artificial perfume flavours in plain green tea. This smells nice but is bitter to taste. Not ethically sourced.

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drank China Jasmine by T2
4 tasting notes

Plain jasmine tea, nice but not as good as a Chinese restaurant variety. Not ethically sourced. Curled leaves are nice as they steep very strong. 80 degrees brewing temperature.

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drank Pumping Pomegranate by T2
4 tasting notes

This tea is better cold than hot. Its very fruity and summery. Shame it is not ethically sourced.

1 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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